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Posts posted by Royston

  1. I'm not sure whether you should be a scientist or a stand up comedian Insane Alien...your acronyms were hilarious.


    Bascule you still remain one of the main reasons I've stuck with SFN...just hope I didn't cause to much contention with my views on Dawkins attacking religion. :confused:

  2. This thread goes back to my school days when I used to listen to 'Steve Wright in the afternoon' on bbc radio one...it's quite simple, just follow the title.


    A few examples.


    I wish this spot was on the end of my nose.


    (SFN specific) No wonder creationism is popular, the evidence is irrefutable.


    I wish they'd bring back window tax, it makes so much sense.

  3. we`re better at kicking a$$ and subjugating than other creatures (currently at least).


    We've manipulated tools to such an extent they have an effect on GMST...in essence we've created an environment we can't compete with.


    We kick our own arses!

  4. This has what to do with psychiatry and psychology ? Don't answer that, for the love of God, don't answer that !


    Sunspot, you are a legend - perhaps you should invent the perpetual drivel machine. I'm sorry to be harsh, but most people give up about 200 posts earlier than you...please listen to reason.


    I've written some utter tripe on SFN as well, but I listen to what other people have to say, and take advice and move on...I suggest you do the same.

  5. My house mate gave me a copy of filezilla (I'm sure it's free) - where I can access all his files through wi-fi, I'm pretty sure it's not wi-fi dependant. You just load the software into both PC's and providing they're connected in some way you have access to the other's hard drive.


    I'll ask him when I get back from work if you want.


    Unless this is the software you were trying to avoid ?

  6. I used to be a fast reader...in first school I finished the entire reading scheme, (IIRC it was called the GINN reading scheme) a year and a half before anyone else. I'm a much more leisurely reader now though, and take time to reflect on what I've just read.


    The last few years due to other interests my reading speed dipped drastically...and when I tried to read at my normal pace it was if I was concentrating on reading fast, rather than absorbing the content properly, and it was just a waste of time because I had to scan back because none of it 'sunk in.' I had basically lost the knack, due to not picking up a book for so long.


    It's also a matter of being distracted...if it's quiet, and I'm relaxed then obviously I absorb information a lot more efficently and quickly.


    I remember when I used to read a lot when I was very young... I could pick out relevant words very quickly, and (as in an earlier post) that 'voice in your head' that says each word as it comes, would skip words such as 'and' 'then' 'but' et.c it was almost as if I recognised the shape but didn't actually say it in my head e.g if you look at a triangle you just accept it for what it is, rather than saying 'triangle' in your head (if that makes any sense.) You don't need to tell yourself what it is.


    But yeah, I enjoy reading so much nowadays that I like to take my time and reflect and visualize between each paragraph or even sentence, I like painting pictures as I read (not physically of course...though that would be quite a talent.)


    Not sure about anyone else...but has anyone been reading some of the posts on this thread as quickly as possible ? :)

  7. When I'm so engrossed with a good debate I forget to go to the off-licence.


    I've also been know to scalk away upstairs at parties and peruse SFN for some intellectual relief...not that any of my friends aren't bright, quite the opposite...I just can't help myself, hmm, perhaps we should start an SFN's anonymous group.


    Hi, my names Snail...and yes, I'm an SFNolic, I've been abusing SFN for nearly 10 months now, and I'm very much in denial (tear rolls down cheek.)

  8. Negative and positive numbers are analogous..if you remember that it's hard to slip up.


    EDIT: Quick note, as a physics question, -0.5 is greater than -1 with regards to temperature. So from a physics perspective, it's kind of a trick question.

  9. I'm a missing something...Bluenoise didn't connect the car crash with anything because he was being incredibly dry, which was a lot funnier than the OP IMO.


    I'm with Bluenoise to be honest, I thought the OP was lame...sorry.

  10. I was wondering, should there be legal implications to using nootropes in the future for exams or even for study and revision, as there are for professional athletes who use performance enhancing drugs e.g anabolic steroids, Beta 2 agonists, hCG et.c


    As we're now approaching the distribution of such pharmaceuticals (I believe in the next couple of years...maybe sooner) do you think students who decide to use such methods have an unfair advantage...or do you believe that whatever makes you more intelligent (improve cognitive ability, improve memory et.c) has to be good.


    Do you think credibility would be an issue if someone were to use a chemical to improve their academic performance ?


    If there are no legal implications, then are we destined towards a pill-popping epidemic of students trying to compete for great results, or do you think it won't escalate to that extent, and that there will still be a majority who prefer the traditional method of applying oneself and simply working hard ?


    If there are legal constraints, then students who obtain such enhancers illegally would have an unfair advantage !


    Sorry, I realise there's a few points for discussion there, but any thoughts on the subject would be appreciated.

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