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Everything posted by akcapr

  1. as for yts copper coins, ive experienced that when meleting pennies for zinc. Ive noticed that the coins below like 1985 are all copper- they didnt melt and didnt give me any zinc. the relitavely new ones however do melt.
  2. why do we have to sleep? to rest- right- but what is the "rest" doing?
  3. back to the question, the radiation from the Am would be too weak to do anything to the gold, i mean, its alpha radiation- so weak u can stop it with air
  4. the iodine would actually sink to the bottom, unless heated maybe
  5. theres no gold in smoke detectors correction: they do have gold in them (to case the Am)
  6. but what a weird idea trying to extract ca out of that mixture. ive never thought of extrakting sodium hydroxide from drain cleaner, - same difference
  7. akcapr


    ya its dihydrogen monoxide. ppl use that as a joke tho
  8. you could make a remote control catapult tht shoots eggs- like i did (set it up by a road and climb up into a tree u kno he rest). Or you could make a little radio ransmitter that hook up to ur phone, i was gonna do that. you could make a generator if u have a creek nearby (hydrogenerator) i was gonna do that. Or u could make a wind one as well. lead some wires into ur house and it could power a clock or so.
  9. i know he does alot of pyro
  10. might as well wonder how to get calcium from milk
  11. wat a crazy idea gettting elemental calcium out of that crap...
  12. impure calcium as in a calcium compound right?
  13. in the first link, its hard to belive all those chems are used for photographic purposes
  14. its interesting how concentration of the acid effects the outcome, i rememebr on this forum someone explaining this, but how does the conc. of the acid effect wether the product is bisulfate or sulfate?
  15. ya the bubble thing is preetty cool. I assume u could also drop some reactive metals in there.
  16. ya. i knew the na+i method (duh) i just dint think someone would get sodium and iodine and combine them. I dont really recommend doing that.
  17. i always though crystals grew bigger in cold temperature
  18. but pennies have a relively thick copper layer, and electroplating that off (and evenly) would take a while.
  19. ya, and things realatively unreactive like silver and gold are hard to find because they are so minutely prsenet in the earth.
  20. ya, but u can buy the carbonate and bypass the filtering/seperating steps to get the caco3 out of the mixture u have. And its not gonna be easy getting ca out of thew stuff either way.
  21. plus it couldnt form any compounds
  22. H2SO4 + 2NH4NO3--> 2HNO3+ (NH4)2SO4 .... i think
  23. HI + NaHCO3 → NaI + H2O(l) + CO2(g)
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