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Everything posted by Syntho-sis

  1. haha I just realized "My moon pictures." Oh yes indeedy lets all get our moon pics out hahahaha that's pretty funny. In a childish sort of way I suppose....
  2. Electromagnetism and various other phenomena could probably explain the Bermuda Triangle. Things like this, in my file cabinet of knowledge, often get grouped alongside Big Foot and Leprechauns. Neat to think about for a spell, but not something that we should really devote a whole lot of resources to.. Leave that to the misguided conspiracy theorists.
  3. hahahaha wow...that's funny
  4. Yea while on this subject....Has anyone heard of the sort of 'Bermuda Triangle' on the opposite side of the earth? It's supposed to be off the coast of Japan...My friend was telling me about this, so I'm not entirely sure if it exists like he says it does. He says that experiments have been done such as throwing sound waves into this spot and it supposedly goes further towards the earths core than any other spot on the planet.... So yea...maybe someone knows something about this? It sounds like pure hogwash, but I'm not sure...
  5. I think its an excellent explanation...very thorough. Good luck with it
  6. From my experience it's better to observe the moon when it is half full...You gain more clarity and fullness that way...thus a better picture. I'm not sure if somebody already mentioned that..I'll hafta post some of my own moon pics
  7. ha well email? musicalnex@yahoo.com


    message me some time

  8. I've moved on as well, I wasn't attacking anyone directly either.
  9. Most certainly, I think that life begins once the cell has been fertilized in the womb..and the actual process of development begins. If you disagree that is your choice. There is no scientific proof thats classifies differently, and any definition that you might find in a biological textbook would be ambiguous on such matters. It is up to us as humans to distinguish these types of things. There will be no point of a human being's development that we can say "here you are, this is life!" tbc
  10. Is this not a thread for the question as to whether or not abortion is morally acceptable or not? Thats seems to be where the debate was the entire time, long before I posted. But like several of you have said, I am not the one to make that decision for other individuals. Whether I am offended or disagree with it has nothing to do with it. It is your choice if you are willing to let science supersede your morals. ^ That is not to say that science should be ignored for the sake of morality based off of human emotions. But since science is a continuous process of understanding, why should we allow ourselves to make shallow decisions and discard our principles at the first sight of some study or w/e, when new evidence could come along and make us look like fools? Without out the foundation our inquiries into the observable world are pointless... Morality could be thought of as what we all agree on to be right or wrong. Like mooeypoo said there are certain times when it may be necessary to abort. But only in extreme situations. Where the baby is more likely to die anyway and cannot be saved. To answer another question once a sperm cell has been fertilized I would say that is the beginning of life. (In my opinion only) To say that we should attempt to stop auto-aborts and common biological processes if we are not going to allow abortion, is utter nonsense. It would be as if I said that since lions sometimes attack humans and eat them, that it makes it okay for me to do the same. to be continued....
  11. hha cool- i added u


    ttyl laterz

  12. So technically we are ending life? I need to go through and read the posts after I left... Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged At what point was I ever making fun of you??
  13. I'm sure Dr. Mengele had alot of evidence from his research as well.... Just stating an opinion. I'm repeating myself now, What evidence justifies the loss of human life? (Human, I know is up for debate- using the term.) There is none. And I did review the evidence, I simply disagree with it from a scientific perspective. Am I not allowed to disagree?
  14. Ok I shall do that.... But first, why don't you define exactly what is not a human being? Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged Ok then is it fair to say that you and I are not human beings? Think about your statement Lack of ignorence is not a justification for such an action. Attempting to prevent menstration is like telling people they can not live near the ocean because they might be destroyed by hurricanes or a myriad of other factors. I was not equationg it with that. You missunderstood me, and then ignored the rest of my argument. Going out of your way to prevent life is what I was talking about. Letting it be prevented by nature itself is a different matter. Why have any rules regarding life at all, if we are going to allow abortion? Now make sure you understand what I said before you post... Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged Circular logic ^You sir, are yourself begging the question.
  15. Yes I understand, I simply have feelings about this topic, and to sweep it under the rug does not seem to be the correct approach to me. (Even though there is nothing any of us could do about it. All we can do, is simply debate as to it's moral significance. Remember, I am not the one who posted this thread.) I am not proposing that we prevent the death of all potential human lives. Rather that we should disallow the death of any human life, if it is in our ability to do so. Just because we can't stop something from happening does not mean that we should allow it to carry on, or "just be okay with it." In my opinion people who agree with abortion, are no different than people who are okay with murder or genocide or suicide. Or any loss of life. And we can debate all day about exactly what life is. But why allow most potential humans to become humans, and destroy some? Again, for what reason? Once again, no reason, no matter how scientific, or intuitive, supersedes our obligation as human beings to protect other human beings from harm. I wonder how many great men have said that sort of thing?
  16. Natural biological processes ^^. By your supposition it is perfectly fine to practice cannibalism, because the animal world does so. Or bring up survival of the fittest- we are all just surviving and keeping the population down so there are more resources for us. Or even Murder, why should we consider it "morally" wrong? Or anything at all? Why don't we all just do what feels good, when we feel like it? Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged ^ For what reasons do we destroy them? Ex: Such as in medicine when surgery is being performed, right? Is that what you were getting at? For what reasons do we abort babies? (oops I meant "fetuses.") Give me a list of practical reasons for doing such a thing...
  17. ^ Oh yea that makes perfect sense....Not Are those valid excuses for extermination of (potential) life? I'm sure the Nazis had some nice neat reasons as well...For the destruction of Jew, and Catholics, and homosexuals, etc. I do consider potential human beings important, and don't bring up sperm. Do you go out of your way to destroy sperm cells? Or skin cells? Or pancreatic tissue? (all of which have the potential to become life with adequate technology.) Most likely not, if fetuses are not important why destroy them in the first place? For what reason? Because they are inconvenient? And I suppose mentally retarded people are inconvenient as well? Especially the ones that need to be cared for? Why waste money and resources on an such projects? If it is "unimportant"?
  18. Abortion is by far one of the worst things that this society currently practices (legally). Imagine a 1000 yrs from now when anthropologists study us, and they realize that while we disdained genocide and considered the holocaust a slaughter of innocent lives, we were okay with sucking fetuses out of pregnant women and then throwing them in a bio hazard containment bag. Like some piece of garbage. Whether it is sin or not has nothing to do with it. It is morally wrong to destroy potential human beings. How many great minds have we ended, for minuscule reasons? No reason, no matter how "significant", allows for the destruction of potential human beings. Tell me this, would you see it under the same light if your mother had aborted you? Exactly... And I know that will most likely get severe flak for this post, but that is perfectly fine. I look forward to seeing what "evidence" you skeptics can actually present...Scientifically or otherwise.
  19. im 16 goin on 17 hah-and ur 17 thats cool- do u have like msn or yahoo?

  20. Heat death would only work though if we lived in a closed universe to begin with, which it's not known if we do or not, right? And the videos are much appreciated, I've yet to watch them though
  21. cool- always nice to talk to ppl from other countries..

  22. hi- so how are u?

  23. im from ohio- usa- hbu?

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