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Everything posted by JohnSSM

  1. This is an unacceptable position to take. We expect arguments to be made in good faith, and declaring you will not answer questions does not comply Are you allowed to ignore questions? But you cant tell them that you are ignoring them? Makes total sense. Inow refused to answer my questions throughout this entire thread. But he didnt openly refuse to, he just ignored them, so its ok....LOL! hilarious... Brilliant! If you dont know what is being taught, how do you know modern mainstream? This is hilarious! No, they cant be argued. to argue them you will need to find facts to disprove them. You cannot find fact to disprove them as they are facts. You will have to read the entire DSM V section on personality disorders, if you want to confirm what I say about it. And it is true. And if you had the read the DSM V, you would know what Im saying is true. So thats my citation. Go read the DSMv if you want to know what I said about it is true, but you cannot just tell me it isnt true without doing that.
  2. Im sorry. Once again, when was the last time you were in a university to study what they are now teaching in advanced psychology and neuropsychiatry curriculum around the country and the world. I dont mean to question you, but is there anyone available who knows that answer? Do you? If you happen to know the curriculum of all the universities in the world, then I get your point. But i find that possibly astounding. And also, this is all based in psychological common knowledge. My post presents these realities which cannot be argued, The DSM used to have a personality disorder that accounted for hurting others for pleasure called Sadistic personality disorder. The DSMV does not have a personality disorder that accounts for hurting others for non sexual pleasure. Sadism, is now considered a paraphilic disorder, which means sexually obsessive. This leaves a hole in personality disorders for hurting others for pleasure, and technically, makes it ordered behavior in their eyes. None of that can be argued. As someone else has noted and confirmed, huge proportions of the psychological research community knows the DSM gets things wrong in every version. Which is why they try to revise it. OOps, we got it wrong. Here's our latest consensus. If you do not also know that reality, I must say that you must not be very attached to this group. I am very attached to this group and have been, professionally for many years. But I dont know what Im talking about. You obviously do. The folks who wanted to put this in speculations do not know enough about psychology to put it in speculations, because very little of it is speculation. I will make sure that ALL of my colleagues hears about this...Of course, none of them come to these forums to discuss real psychological ideas. But they will have a heck of a time reading this stuff! Most of us are busy writting papers and books. But the idea that you have no psychological experts to even discuss my thread is proof enough for me. Say what you will. I got your number. and you dont got psychological experts here. Hey, uh, swansont. I did not make a post called "hijack from Seat of the consciousness is in the striatum"..I have no idea whats going on.
  3. Im sorry, but I truly dont even remember what you are referring to. Truly. This is my thread and topic. I have a theory that some others share, and some dont see it. Isnt that how lots of theories are? I dont know how they overlook having no personality disorder to describe someone who enjoys hurting others for pleasure for non sexual reasons. That is a fact now. The DSMV does not have a personality disorder that covers the enjoyment of hurting others for nonsexual arousals. Thats why I repeat it. How do I prove it or cite it. I tell someone to go learn all the traits of personality disorders to see if they can find one that includes hurting others for nonsexual pleasure? that is what they will find if they go looking. If i have to explain it all, it will take me chapters of writting, instead of them doing chapters of reading. Please tell me how to provide proof of this. When I first came into the physics forums years ago, i knew very little. I was forced to go read to even have a chance to discuss anything about physics, and I did. Those folks were not going to give me an education on phsyics in a forum. And i cant do that with psychology either. If no member or moderator of this forum is an expert in psychological disorders, why would I expect to run into anyone who shares my perspectives, if they too are not experts. I mean. Have I heard from the most educated psychological minds from this forum, on this subject. Man, I hope not.
  4. LOL! after the shit you pulled in the psychology thread I hosted? LOL...you are awesome man.
  5. Do you not remember that I told you that i will not answer questions that you have just because you ask them. Stop harassing me. Im not unable, I am unwilling. It has been established, so why do you keep asking? I appreciate your honesty. Thank you for acknowledging this. do you recall any of this? It happened about 20 minutes ago.
  6. Well, right now im working on my own book. We all have our battles to solve.
  7. I would stop fighting, but this guy follows me from thread to thread, harassing me and hijacking any thread im in...just like he is doing now. Learn to ignore him, even mess with is head...he loves it and wants it. Well, right now im working on my own book. We all have our battles to solve.
  8. I can find many more theories than that using google. Try looking for years. Thats what it took me to understand what I now understand. Years. Do you have the energy to give it years? If no, then just stop, is yes, settle into some research and solve it yourself. I cannot.
  9. I have been trying to tell you that NO ONE knows the answer you are looking for, so keep looking....We all are! When i find out anything defintiive, ill let you know.
  10. Report me for admitting that I was going to lie to you, specifically, because you have harassed me for hours. IM fine with that.
  11. Listen... if you google, 'consciousness of the brain' you come up with thousands of papers on the subject. Start by reading them. That is how I learned. And I know, they dont know or have any real agreement about consciousness in the brain. so keep looking. Someone will uncover it.
  12. OK, i just told you i was going to lie to you. LOL...Enjoy your exploration!
  13. In certain humans, i find it obvious that the center of their consciousness is in their colons, or basically in their own ass.
  14. Cool, now acknowledge this. Leave me alone, dont ask me questions, dont enter my threads and dont stalk me in other threads.
  15. Unwilling to discuss anything with you honestly now. I may lie to you to mislead you, but youll never get honesty from me again unless i want to give it. Right now, I dont want to. You can suffer over whatever you think the real reason is. Use your creativity. It has to have some purpose. As Axl said, Use your illusion!
  16. I answered your questions in another forum and even proved you wrong. I have no reason to converse with you after the harassment and abuse in many different threads. I do learn quite well, thank you.
  17. Do you ever expect that I will want to express myself honestly to you ever again? HAHA...cute.
  18. Hmmm...when i started reading about free energy, all the posts i ran into used the water equilibrium example.
  19. Ok but, every thought, memory or experience, creates a synchronized firing of nuerons that hold all the info. If youve ever looked at a brain scan, they show energy or activity in the brain. It is rarely localized to any one part. I have studied the physiology of consciousness from many perspectives, and many of them focus on the areas you described. But not all of them. For instance, the pleasure centers in the brain are scattered in a few places. SO is the consciousness center of the brain.
  20. Im sorry, you didnt achieve your goal. That must suck. Gosh, I guess all those dinosuars just couldnt adjust fast enough to the changes that the asteroid brought to the earth that killed them. We all know that can happen, besides you, apparently. See. when the asteroid changed the earth's climate, the earth needed to retain its climate, or the dinosaurs would die. It could not, so they died. Anyone want to argue that reality or the way I expressed it? Step right up folks, This thread is now about proving if dinosaurs died, because the earth failed to meet the needs of biological life, due to an asteroid impact.
  21. Try this article. "Neuronal synchronization can be defined as a correlated appearance in time of two or more events associated with various aspects of neuronal activity. Neuronal synchronization depends on chemical and electrical synaptic as well as ephaptic and non-specific interactions" Neuronal Synchronization and Thalamocortical Rhythms in Sleep, Wake and Epilepsy - Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies - NCBI Bookshelf (nih.gov) No, you came into this thread to attack me and call me a troll. Your denial cannot change what happened.
  22. The nuerons in your arm do not contribute to your emotional feelings near as much as the nervous system in your head, chest and gut. Its a very interesting subject. You should look into it. Ad hominem attack. I think this makes it clear who is trolling.
  23. Excuse me if that means absolutely nothing to me at all. It means nothing to me at all. Can you help me understand why it would matter who considers you to be what?
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