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TJ McCaustland

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Everything posted by TJ McCaustland

  1. Why am I still up? It's 5:36 AM here..... Stupid caffeine......

    1. andrewcellini


      hopefully you've slept by now lol

    2. TJ McCaustland

      TJ McCaustland

      Actually I didn't go to bed till like 2:30 PM lol.

  2. But a trial with a single improvement is an improvement nonetheless, at least I attempted mathematics, instead of shouting out "MY THEORY IS RIGHT! SHUT UP AND GO HOME!" In a similar fashion to my first post. I share these ideas for the purpose of collecting valuable insight on my faults in thinking and such. And about dimensional analysis, as stated earlier, IN THE PROCESS, I still have to finish up Calculus. Also that can't really be considered much of a lecture as calling you out that although you may not be doing as I am doing, you still had hypothesis' of the same state at one point or another, So you cannot say that you are not guilty of the same action.
  3. No, you are wrong, What came before modern science? Religion. What inspired learning and preserved civilization through monasteries? Religion. Religion is the inspiration for science, it is what makes us want to know more about the stars, about psychology, about chemistry. Why does it do this? Well let's face the fact that religion is what you make of it as it is your own personal belief, and sometimes in that regard is as confusing as !@&%. But you must ask yourself the question, if you were without any knowledge or speculation on WHAT exactly everything is, would you be able to stick your hand in a pool of water and just immediately exclaim "This is Two parts hydrogen and two parts oxygen!" No, you'd probably come up with some fanatical idea about a water god like so many ancient civilizations long past and then find out it was a figment of your mind, so in this regard Religion creates a desire of knowledge through ignorance, at least some parts of it, however other parts remain canon, as with many of the Catholic doctrines and beliefs, as they are so closely interrelated with many of the proofs of science that it has stood fast, because some events that occurred in the original Roman Catholic bible have been explained scientifically, and the sites of some events even observed. No Phi, Religion is the key belief that allows us to contemplate such vast things as space, because how exactly would you divine that space is infinite and not just a tiny box if you just stared up at the sky one night without any knowledge of infinity as a possibility, thinking that space is limited.
  4. So, you believe God is evil? Because he wills that hell exists? Well the very reason why he wills that hell exists is because he must provide a meaningful end for all creatures, and that is the only available option, because either way without God your existence will be hell, Secondly, to support that fact, God could very easily instead of allowing you to exist after having disobeyed him just simply said "Pff... You are a terrible person who doesn't deserve to exist so I'm just gonna snap my big God fingers and you're going to vanish." The very fact that you are not denied existence is evidence he is omnibenevolent, as he allows you to exist on your own terms, with or without him, It's simply the fact that he makes you stick to that choice that makes him appear evil to some people. Now in reference to Satan, he was put in the exact same position as we are in, as he was given two choices, A: Follow God's will and exist with his existence in your existence, or B: Follow your own will and live however you want but be without God for all eternity, So Satan HAD and still HAS free will but is unable to deviate from the choice he made to rebel against, and therefore be without God, as God does not force himself upon people, nor does he allow them to embrace him only out of their own will to end their suffering, he wants truthful faithfulness and love of him, because it wouldn't really make sense to allow falsehood to creep into the realm of either faith or love.
  5. Exactly the reason my friend, why I do what I do, I learn from each and every reply, and modify my own concept of the universe, and reality, and will do so until my concepts are identical to the real things, You are the teachers, this is my question, I am the pupil.
  6. You did indeed misread me, The reason why science can explain 'A LOT" to quote myself is because you can always compare A LOT to everything and it becomes nothing. The brain attic Idea representing what knowledge a species can accumulate before it is forgotten through ignorance, lack of care, or other reasons. You do not necessarily pick up a religion to explain ignorance, you pick it up to prove reality. Also note my mentioning of personal beliefs, meaning you do not necessarily have to believe in religion, it's a choice.
  7. To point out a flaw in this kind of thinking, let's go back to the point that God must provide a MEANINGFUL end, for all creatures, not necessarily a good one, and the reason why Satan does not lose his free will but is evil eternally and is not saved is because he chose to rebel against God, and God must once again only provide a MEANINGFUL end for all creatures, He uses Satan as an example to all creatures with an eternal soul as an example of what rebellious behavior against him causes, He gives us a very clear choice in which way to go, And though it may seem that he is controlling us, he is very clearly not as if he was we would not possess the capacity to sin, and the very reason why hell does indeed exist is because that is the end of the path that you may take that leads you away from God, and the reason why it is so torturous, is because it is without God, or without the key means of existence, Because just as God did indeed state "I Am", He is the key means to existence because he provides the ability to exist, but even as you're already thinking that this hell cannot exist because it is without God, it can exist because of his will, which is another key means for existence, providing a means for hell to exist without him, however, lets say God was somehow usurped, the proof in the fact that nothing, not even Hell would exist is in the fact that either his will, or his existence in your existence, is necessary for existence.
  8. You'd be incorrect in assuming that Science can explain EVERYTHING, To quote Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, "A smart man realizes that he cannot learn everything because his brain is like an attic, there is only so much space, a foolish one assumes his brain-attic's walls are elastic and therefore of infinite capacity, he hoards useless knowledge and buries what knowledge is useful in heaps of rubbish." In the same way science can explain A LOT, but it's ones own personal beliefs of whatever religion that explains the rest of the universe, because we are finite beings in an infinite universe and could never learn everything, due to a plethora of reasons, Forgetfulness that comes with age, sudden death that destroys knowledge and research not yet published, and finally misleading thoughts, ideals, and theories that generally upturn the entire knowledge base at one point or another,. Now I am NOT saying that ALL religion is correct or incorrect, but in order to further one's own understanding of the universe one must keep an open mind, a neutral stance, and most importantly a capacity and will to learn. To finish this post, I will quote Imafaal's favored Alexander Pope quote "A little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink deep or taste not the Pierian spring: There Shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking largely sobers us again."
  9. In the process of that, this is just as stated on the original post a "Crackpot" Style hypothesis, meaning IDK if this is even scientific but it sure sounds cool and is interesting so lets discuss it! Sadly however I just don't know enough physics to properly formulate a hypothesis with all the different laws of cosmology and astrophysics and such taken into account right off the bat, however I guarantee you as my years in school progress so will my hypothesis' formulation and mathematics improve, What you saw up above was an absolute guess at what exactly happened to create this universe, I do not credit myself that it was accurate, but it was a guess, and one of my better ones. No kidding man. Whats the word I'm looking for? Crackpot, and heavily irradiated with holes.
  10. You may have that fancy expert tag but that does not mean that you didn't produce stuff like this at one time or another, its how we learn from our mistakes and move on that counts.
  11. Alright there goes that part of my hypothesis. But Strange A star cannot have the mass of the universe in a single mass, but if we have multiple masses that coalesce at small intervals the formation of a singularity with the mass of the universe would be possible would it not? Especially if half of the laws that affect matter today might not of existed back then? Even more so if mass did indeed transcend dimensions through black holes would it not be possible for a higher dimensional black hole to cause the huge expansion that created our universe? Also forget the copyright thing..... this hypothesis has a million holes from a million places I didn't know existed, it might as well both be pseudoscience and swiss cheese. That would be Mass of say, the sun or 1.989*10^30 Kg^5 Not that it truly matters now.
  12. That would be the average mass of a star^5
  13. Good Evening everyone, I have once again a crackpot style hypothesis, but with some mathematics tonight. Before I allow you to begin poking holes in my hypothesis here are some basic rules for discussion. 1. There will be no copying of equations except for the purpose of peer review, this equation is my own, and I claim copyright and ownership of this hypothesis unless there is a hypothesis that has be proposed prior to this that has the same equations and general thought. 2. No personal judgement is to be rendered, only judgement upon the theory. (Basically no flames if you think this is insane and would like to beat up on me for it, after all all of us have insane thoughts sometimes.) OK. To begin my first equation if ~Mu=~Ms5 (if approximate mass of the universe equals approximate mass of a five dimensional star.) then Ut-Ut=BH3 (Universal time minus universal time {without passage of time} equals a three dimensional black hole) and if MBH3=Ms5 (Mass 3 dimensional black hole equals 5 dimensional star) then MBH3=MBH5 (Mass 3 dimensional black hole equals mass 5 dimensional black hole) which means MBH5=Ms5 (Mass of a 5 dimensional black hole equals mass of a 5 dimensional star) then all universal matter comes from Ms5 > MBH5>MBH3 (Mass star5 into Mass black hole5 into Mass black hole3) Then FGBH3 -FGBH5= -GF (Force of a 3 dimensional black hole is not enough to hold the mass of a 5 dimensional black hole and therefore the black hole expands rapidly and dissipates because of the gravitational force deficit.)
  14. Ugh..... enough, this has gone from "How ticked would you be if we for some stupid reason had rewrite all the laws of physics" to "kid in a candy store" to quote Phi, you have proven to me why scientists are always busy with stuff they originally never cared about.......
  15. So this has gone from "Harold is no longer a skeptic about AGW" to Robert Redford's credentials...... wow..... too off topic for me.....
  16. Didn't even realize that was there, I thought you just copied and pasted from the internet and cited sources..... Wow......
  17. I would add in the ability to create mathematical symbols such as pi in the default editor without copying or pasting, to better support speculation, mathematics, theorization, and hypothesis creation.
  18. True but lets say you had to write EVERY law EVERY equation, and revamp EVERY theory. Thats the point of this thread which I do believe has strayed a little too far off topic. Go from that point and describe your feelings on the subject.
  19. True but look how long that would take, and all those equations that would be meaningless because of the discovery........
  20. Someone watch the princess bride lately? And to keep it on topic I believe it's both volcanoes and manmade pollutants.
  21. True..... lots of jobs, and lots of equations..... but jeez..... so much work.....
  22. Lets say someone invents a perpetual motion engine and it defies all laws of physics. How ticked would you be that we have to rewrite EVERY single law and equation? I would be furious...... (Of course this isn't going to happen but its a good topic for conversation because I'm sitting here at home bored out of my mind.)
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