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cameron marical

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Posts posted by cameron marical

  1. thanks.


    a little of topic.

    why do plants take in co2? i know that we use oxygen for heating and electricty{right?} but why would plants need that bit of carbon? where do they put it or what do they do with it? and also, what does the carbon come from in the co2 we breathe out?



  2. i think that the stronger selection pressures for humans right now are probably any qualities that make them more sexually attractive at the time since they have a higher chance of reproduction. {only fit hot people in the future!yay!}

    i think that its going to be a bit of both. i think diversity will definetly increase, and also some alleles are going to run out.{like blue eyes}


    a little of topic

    the human race is getting taller, anyone have any ideas why?

  3. you get to see michio kaku? lucky! ive always wanted to go see him. id probably try to talk with him also. i also agree with the fact thats its impossible to prove somethings impossible. maybe with science nothing is impossible, wich ive thought about quite a bit, and havent been able to come up with anything that science in some way couldnt do. i could be wrong though.

  4. i agree with we in the scientific community should be open minded to everything until proven fraudulent. and i am, but i still have yet to see any real evidence or proof of any paranormal or spiritual existence. if someone proved it, or even tried to scientifically explain it, id give it more of a chance, but for now, its not even psuedoscience. its trash.


    i went to emoto's website. it does lack evidence. its more like a spiritual cult based scheme than science. and has no real reports on their "experiments", other than,"look at my pictures and belive what i say, and ill be right."


    we should be open minded, but not willing to except crap without data, info, or evidence.

    leave that to philosophy.

  5. you just explained part of karma.


    unless you were implying that the something bad happened by chance, then its what most of us are talking about, how it seems as if you have been paid off in return to a past deed when normally it wouldnt have stood out at all, but since you were expecting it beleiving or speculating about karma the light automacally turns on saying that karma caused this. when it really was chance and the failure to register unneeded information acquired throughout the day.


    i can tell that you text alot. we share the same affliction.:)

  6. could it be possible for every cell in an organism be cancerous? if so, what would happen? would it just become a giant lump of excess protein? could a tree have this? could it be alive for a longer amount of time, just growing and growing? would it take in more carbon and give out more oxygen?

  7. mmm. an experiment is an experiment, and as long as its done scientifically, then i think that it should be regarded as usefull. no matter what its on. besides, i agree. galileo was ridiculed and now we know he was right.


    lets not be the close minded scientists who ridicule any new idea, no matter how offlandish they seem.

  8. i know this sounds okey, but my grandparents have a lemon tree in their back yard. they both told each other that their not feeding it at all, because they supposedly had agreed on an organic means of growing food. secretely, they both wanted better and bigger stuff, so one would feed it alot of miracle grow in the mornign without the other knowing it, and same thing with the other at night. they got a lemon the near the size of a bowling ball! they made multiple lemong pies out of just that one lemon!

  9. As I said before, most cell types survive outside the body for a certain amount of time, but most do not propagate. I remember that skin grafts, for example, could be kept viable for around 3 weeks (at around 4°C). There are of course always stem cells.


    how long can stem cells last?{by themselves}


    let me make sure i know what i think i do, stem cells are cells that are "hybernating" until needed, then they turn into a cell that is needed. wether it be skin cell or nerve cell or whatever? if so, stem cells have a reason to be fussed about. theyre very intersting.

  10. no, it looks to me like divafav. and then next to it is stinafia. i know its in somekind of language and not just gibberish. they may be abbreviations for something, im not sure.

    who was antonius pius?


    what other languages were back in roman times?



  11. i have acid reflux too, i just have some little acid reducer pills that seem to work just fine,you can get them at wall mart or maybe even a corner store. tums help too.


    How does acid reflux occur from a lack of acid anyway, I looked on google and the only answer I could come up with didn't really make any sense or have anything to do with acid, just that food sits around and rots.


    because of the lack of acid to take care of it.

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