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cameron marical

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Posts posted by cameron marical

  1. "Indefinite healthy lifespans" will not be possible in for biological entities. We are ephemeral critters, and that's all we'll ever be. Our job now as humans is to re-invent ourselves in a post-biological context. I'm not at all sure how we'll do this, but we'll do it anyway. My best guess is that we will take certain key features from our electromagnetic nervous system and render them operable and durable in a cyber context, which is already highly developed. (Our nervous systems and our computer systems both operate electromagnetically...and coincidentally, which may be a clue.) The biggest challenge that lies ahead is to gain a thorough understanding of consciousness—human consciousness—and reframe it without all the biological frailties.


    ive mentioned this in another post. the human body repares itself.iwhen the way is found to have the body repair itself indefinetly and everywhere given the needed "fuel" it would do it. i dont see why we cant live indefinetly while still in biotic form.


    an unending question. would anyone really want to be immortal. everyone if they believe it or not is afraid of death, not so much as an end to your corporeal being, but the fear that there is nothing else beyond. Einstein had the idea that energy cannot be destroyed, and thats what we are, so take comfort in that. but if not you wont have to worry. youll be dead


    that seems to be a usual responce to immortality. "why would you want to live indefinatly." because its indefinate. and at any point where you get tired of life, you can just off yourself and the problems solved. no pretend deep thinking required. would i like to be immortal. of course. to chose not is to chose to end know existence of yourself for ever as far as we know. why would you do that rather than live indefinately?


    I want to be immortal... or at least to be able to live long enough that I'm sick of living


    well said.

  2. Cameron,


    What you're doing now is a whole body workout. You're working all your major muscle groups in a single day/session, right? I'd recommend that to novice weight lifters. You'll get the best all around gains and the variety will nurture your motivation. Do a whole body workout 2-3 times per week. One set per exercise is enough, though (2 max). When you've worked out consistently for 4-6 months, you can split your muscle groups into different sessions. This allows you to focus on particular geographic areas/movements. Here is one permutation or split:










    Do 2-3 different exercises per muscle group, 3-4 sets per exercise in the 6-12 rep range.


    (blank days are rest days--important to rest, eat, and grow!)


    Change things up periodically: reps, sets, splits, throw in full body workouts for a month and go back, burnouts, giant sets, supersets, Olympic lifts, etc.


    ok thanks. is it bad to do my workout every day rather than 2-3 times a week? would it prevent or lessen muscle gain?


    also, how long is the average full body workout for heavy weights and low reps? probabably alot less than endurance wordouts right?



  3. why would life be impossible with different constants? ya, i know that some would prohibit life but others wouldnt prevent all life from happening. maybe a bit different from ours, but still life.


    also, as for why our constants are perfect for life, i can think of a couple explanations/thoughts wich dont need an id:


    we got lucky


    we came into being to fit our constants so it seems like their perfect for us, but really were perfect for them. this is the most realistic and scientific method i can think of, its much like mokeles previous statement with the puddle.


    maybe theirs not any other "universes" with seperate constants other than our own, and this is the only one with the only constants wich have their own reasons for being what they are our science just hasnt discovered them yet. i like this one too.And it can fit into the 2nd one.

  4. ok, cool thanks. thats what i thought but i wanted to make sure in prevention of future embarrising mistakes that make me look like an idiot.


    im now doing 10 reps of one excersize, then i do another 10 reps of another,on and on, and complete the cycle and start another set of the first excersize. i only do 2 sets though{after cycle}, is this not enough? and is it better to do sets of just the same excersize nonstop{not counting the breaks for the seperate sets} until your done with that excersize or do what i do in seperate excersizes per set ending and just repeat the sets x amount of times {2 for me}?


    thanks guys.

  5. Usually you have a standard amount of repetitions per exercise set.

    Reps are exactly that- Repetative motion.

    Set-amount of reps done consecutively.


    Does that make sense? example:


    So you might do 3 sets @ 10 reps on the bench press. Resting anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes in between for recovery.


    ok thanks. isnt 3 sets of 10 reps low then? maybe not if you have a really heavy weight, but then you dont even get a work out. maybe im wrong.


    i usually do 2 sets of 25 reps. 2 sets of 50 reps for pushups and situps, unless i use the home gym at my house wich is a usual, then i do the former using 50 pounds. for lat pull down i do that twice, one for hands facing me, one for hands facing away. i also do 50 pounds for chest press, and leg extensions.

    i also do the one where i grab the side things and i push them in closer together wich works my lower shoulder connecting into my chest.{it doesnt say the real name for it sorry} with 30 pounds. 2 sets of 25 reps for all of those.

    plus swim team for 2 hours. oh ya. im pretty sore right now.


    is this a good workout? is there something i should add in here?


  6. you guys are right.i no longer believe that evelotion proceeds in the way i thought it did. i now know real science behind it.


    Not "perfect", but "better than the other guy". But yes, that's why we are as we are. We are designed by natural selection, not by direct manufacture by an intelligent entity.


    i never assumed or said that it was an intelligent entity making this, what i actually thought is that our brains actually had the ability to do things like stop growing facial hair in hot climates and others, and they just piled up to extremes as time progressed and generations changed.


    like i said, i now know i was wrong. this post was kind of before i new much of biology{though im no expert at all now either what so ever} and was just getting into it.



    thanks for all the replys guys, i have learned much from this post.

  7. wow. i read that article. poor tasmanian devil. thats just horrible. if only i could find the source of cancer. i would punch it right in the face.


    so why doesnt transmissable cancer work in all of cancer forms?


  8. my brother has some math problems where he has to solve by graphing things like x+2y=10



    i know this is basic easy algebra, but i covered this stuff long ago and am more of a biology person anyways so i dont deal with much math at all anymore. can someone just give me the basics on how to do this?


  9. i agree that saying that panspermia is the cause to microbial life in the high atmosphere is like getting a pancake that looked like mother mary and becoming a die hard cristian. there are multiple other explanations that are far more realistic. i beleive that it is something along the lines of what insane alien said. and since theirs is no competition. life can spread so long until its pushed against it.

    not ruling it out though... everything deserves a fair chance.

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