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Posts posted by Sensei

  1. Build your own Cloud Chamber (cost $20-50 for dry ice model), and see their traces on your own eyes..

    If you will place magnet/electromagnet below/inside of chamber, particles with negative charge (such as electron, muon-, pion-, kaon-, antiproton) will "curl" in one direction, while particles with positive charge (alpha, proton, positron, pion+, kaon+) in opposite direction.

    Radius of curl will reveal mass and momentum of particle.

  2. It seems they wouldn't use most the fuels we use, since most of what we use is not even as good as liquid hydrogen. Seems to me liquid Hydrogen would be the worst fuel they might use, while antimatter is the best fuel. Although, if these were hypothetically the worst and best(energy to volume ratio) fuels they are willing to use, then couldn't they have more dense versions of these fuels as well?


    Liquid hydrogen requires liquid oxygen..

    Result of reaction between these two is water.

    This is true for the most of fuels that burn- they need source of oxygen.

    On the Earth they take oxygen from air. Spacecraft doesn't have such luxury.


    Energy density table


  3. ...sunny areas of roofs are too small to accommodate all electrical needs


    I calculated long time ago that for all my needs (~330 kWh per month) I would need 18 m^2 of solar panels. It includes night time and slightly winter.


    Is 18 m^2 a lot or not?

    18 m^2 is 14 panels that have 1600x800 mm (1.28 m^2), 15% effectiveness (160 W/m^2)

    Each of them costs here $303, so total solar panels installation is $4242. It's cost of 64 months (5 years 4 months) power station bills (with inflation less).

    Costs of batteries and inverter not able to estimate. But inverter I could build by myself.


    Roof above my room has exactly 5x4 m = 20 m^2..


    If installation would work 50 years, and I would have to pay in advance for 6 years, isn't 12% of power station bills? And 88% saved?

    With inflation (at least increase 5-10% prices of electric bills per year now), it'll be much much better investment..

  4. When we will replace 'b' by `b` (secondary apostrophes)

    Compileonline.com is showing following error:


    "Compiling the source code....

    $javac FirstProgram.java 2>&1


    FirstProgram.java:7: error: illegal character: \96

    a = `b`;


    FirstProgram.java:7: error: illegal character: \96

    a = `b`;


    FirstProgram.java:7: error: not a statement

    a = `b`;


    3 errors



    Is it what you see.. ?

  5. I was wondering, how does the concept of "Prime Numbers" work, in the Binary system.

    It works the same way as in any other system..


    Binary, decimal, hexadecimal etc, are just visualization method.


    Number remain the same.


    The definition of a Prime Number is - a number that can only be divided by itself, or by 1. That definition leads to quick results in the Decimal system. For example, we find that "29" is Prime - because it can't be exactly divided by any of the other smaller digits - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9.


    But In Binary, there aren't any other "smaller" digits. There's just two digits available: "1", and "0". And since division by "0" isn't a permissible mathematical operation, then you can only divide by "1".

    You're mixing up definition of digit, with definition of number..


    That's correct that in binary you have just 0 and 1 digits,

    and in decimal are only 0...9

    and in hexadecimal are 0...9, A-F (10-15).


    Your example 29 ALSO exceeds 10 digit boundary of decimal system nearly 3 times!


    In binary example:


    %110 is not prime because it's dividable by %10 and by %11.



    Does that mean that all Binary numbers are Prime? That can't be right. Yet, how can we recognise when a Binary number isn't Prime?


    Such recognition is facilitated in Decimal. If a number ends in "0", "2", "4", "6" or "8", we know it's divisible by 2. So, it's not Prime. And if it ends in "5", we know it's divisible by 5. So again, not Prime.

    The only numbers that can be Prime in Decimal, are those ending in "1", "3" ,"7" or "9". Which at least narrows down the range of possibilities.


    Whereas in Binary, there's no way of telling?

    Any prime number in binary system must end up with %1 (except %10)

    it's equivalent of ending with 1,3,5,7,9 in decimal.

    But that's not the only condition!


    I can also write fraction using binary, see:




    It means:









  6. It's not a language I know but if this example


    is right then you need to use quote marks " rather than apostrophes ' to denote string litterals


    character is single letter f.e. 'x'

    string is class, internal array of dynamically allocated chars, and you initialize it by f.e. "test".




    public static void main(String args[])


    Shouldn't here be

    public static void main(String[] args)


    Try also this, whether it compiles fine:


    public class FirstProgram
    public static void main(String[] args)
    char a, b;
    a = 'b';
    b = 'c';
    a = b;
    Remember that there are two apostrophes keys that looks very similar.. !
    One you have below ESC key, on right of 1 digit key.
    Second one you have on left of ENTER key.
    You should use proper one.


    Do you mean something like this, from Cloud Chamber & Bubble Chamber x-ray photos?

    ---- No. Those in your chamber are all charged particle.


    But you were talking about charged particles too:

    "the electron performed circular spherical trajectories with a figure like a deformed clew of thread.

    Indeed, this was a model. But the idea that electron in atom performs circular spherical trajectories, is something (I think) contradictory with “statement that electron is wave”."

    Electron is charged particle..

  8. Do you mean something like this, from Cloud Chamber & Bubble Chamber x-ray photos?




    It's result of presence of magnetic field (magnet or electro magnet) below particle detector chamber.

    It's used to reveal charge, mass and momentum of particle. Positively charged particles are "curling" in reverse direction than negative, and neutral don't curl at all.

    And it's additionally restricting volume it's traveling (long trace could optionally exceed chamber otherwise).


    If you would follow my suggestions to build your own Cloud Chamber, you would see these traces on your own eyes..


    ps. If you would strip middle of post, this question could be as well asked in mainstream part of this forum...

    Can't you constrain yourself to just asking questions about things you want to learn.. ?

  9. 2,4,8,10 cases can be much easier:


    We use binary and operator to get rid of upper part of value, and check remaining by comparing it with 0:

    if( ( value & 0x1 ) == 0 ) // dividable by 2


    if( ( value & 0x3 ) == 0 ) // dividable by 4


    if( ( value & 0x7 ) == 0 ) // dividable by 8

    (this can be extended to any 2^x)


    Value is dividable by 10, if modulo 10 is returning 0:

    if( ( value % 10 ) == 0 ) // dividable by 10

    if( ( value % 100 ) == 0 ) // dividable by 100

    if( ( value % 1000 ) == 0 ) // dividable by 1000


  10. Surprisingly, Andrea Rossi answers are very mainstream..

    However two experiments, one made by Elio Conte and Maria Piealice, and the other made by Don Borghi, have demonstrated that a neutron can be formed by proton+electron at low energy (this is IMPOSSIBLE according to the current Nuclear Physics).
    So, the two experiments show that something very serious is wrong in the principles of the current Nuclear Physics).

    And, as Nuclear Physics is wrong, then the structure of neutron formed by proton+electron is possible, as the two experiments have proven.

    According to
    there was used electric arc 5 J (they did not tell in description what current and what voltage, perhaps U>800,000 V with very small current I=6.25*10^-6 A.. ?)

    To create single neutron from proton and electron there is needed 0.782+ MeV energy, which is 1.252764E-013 Joules. 5 J is billions time more energy than needed for single neutron creation.


    I read somewhere on the net that after analyze of used neon lighting tube there has been found unexpected isotopes in it (they emit light because of electric arc passing through noble gas ionizing it)

  11. I was wondering if any of you could tell me some o your ideas about climate change related with clean energy and waste manegement, and also a way in what you think, this problems could be solve in differents levels (community, country, world)



    - make all containers for food with bail, so majority of them won't end up in trash, but producer who made them (and knows exactly what is it made of).

    - recommend using glass for containers (so it'll simplify reusing).


    - make public transport ticket free, so people will leave car at home and use bus/train. One bus is equal to 1 km of two passes road full of cars. Calculate fuel burned by them..

    - entirely switch to using solar panels. Government could create public company with the only aim- invent efficient, produce and install solar panels on roofs or walls of the all citizen homes for free. Unlike private companies, public company don't need to make money by selling goods.

  12. @rivers82 Can you explain how plants were able to evolve such diversity? They lack the ability to be aware of whether or not they are having a happy life


    Not to mention bacterias and viruses...

  13. I have nothing against kinetic theory. It works admirably in its area. My doubt is only about one of its assumption being changed to a fact without having a definite mechanism or causes for action.


    Explanation on Brownian motion is also based on the same assumption. Here again no mention of a logical mechanism of action. Having the same assumption, working in different areas does not make it a fact.


    Mechanism for Brownian motion is conservation of energy and momentum..


    Every physical action should have a prior cause. Nature follows strict cause and effect relation.


    Every single day gases in atmosphere are heated by photons, accelerated, then giving their kinetic energy to surrounding them gas particles, then to solids and liquids on the ground. And energy is spread across all particles.


    If Sun photons would stop arriving to Earth, all gas would freeze, and you would no longer have Brownian motion.


  14. The whole reason I have been skeptical is because of the sheer level of emotional propaganda around global warming and little information about the science behind it.

    Are you kidding?


    Temperature change graph in the last 1000 years is not enough?







    To calculate past temperature before invention of thermometer there are used f.e. tree rings . Read article.


  15. If you would have f.e. array overflow on stack or structure, you would be reading wrong values in data prior, or after field that has overflow.




    struct X


    float data1;

    char data2[ 10 ];

    float data3;



    X x;

    x.data2[ -1 ] = 123; // array entry at index -1 is in reality data1

    x.data2[ 10 ] = 456; // array entry at index 10 is in reality data3

    It happens more often than you think- typically index to array is dynamic, not static like in example above. So there might happen some bug causing reading/writing from negative index, and reading/writing wrong value from/to wrong place.

  16. In aether models, aether is a background field like dark matter.


    That's completely not needed to anything..


    Aether is XIX century hypothetical medium through which light propagates..


    After finding out light is particle, you don't need medium anymore.

    Medium was needed for waves, by analogy- wave of sound needs air (typically), wave on water needs water etc. So XIX century physicists were applying this analogy also to light.



    "Then why not simplify it and say that some microwave photons escape system, while other one are absorbed by engine?"


    That's a good explanation and answer but I cannot think of any mechanism in particular to explain how this could work since microwaves are readily absorbed if not reflected.



    See Shawyer engine - it's cone.

    Bottom of cone has PI*r^2 area, while the rest has much higher area (and the sharper cone, the higher area).


    For length = 4m, radius = 1m, you will have areas like on below picture:



    If ratio of photons that are absorbed/reflected is always the same, cone will absorb much more photons than its bottom.

  17. NASA's explanation of it is that the microwaves are pushing on the ZPF. The ZPF could be considered a kind of aether. For example: My hypothesis/ explanation of this phenomena is similar IMO to NASA's, concerning the gist of it. My preliminary hypothesis is that the microwaves would accordingly be pushing on the aether which would cause aether continuously flowing through the small end of the tapered device and exhausting through the big end. The result would be a lower aether pressure outside the small end of the device and a higher aether pressure outside of the big end of the device, hence propulsion.


    This is kinda silly.

    Is microwave photon creating aether?

    Is there infinite amount of aether, so it can flow outside of device forever?

    Is aether particle, so it can escape some system?

    "low pressure of aether, high pressure of aether" this sounds like aether is kind of particle that is pressing on some area, and occupying some volume..


    Then why not simplify it and say that some microwave photons escape system, while other one are absorbed by engine.. ?


    It would not matter that both ends of the device are closed since matter is mostly space and the aether accordingly could readily flow through them..

    You're contradicting your own model...


    If aether is readily flowing through regular matter, how can there be "lower pressure of aether, or higher pressure of aether"... ?



  18. As we know different types of materials collision produce different type of sound.


    Even different length, size and shapes of the same material are giving different sound...


    The Dutch government has taxed hardware needed for copying and put that into a funds for artists for a while now,

    a win-win situation in my opinion,


    Nonsensical, completely irrational, and IMHO illegal tax.

    Against the main rule of justice: "there is no crime, if there is no victims" (which is violated in just modern centuries XX-XXI on mass scale).

    Even worse: paid before any hypothetical violation really had place.


    Like you would have tax for cars, added to its price in the shop, just in case it'll be used in accident and perhaps blindside pedestrian...


    ps. We have such here also..


    List of countries, and tax amount (not complete AFAICS)



    tax 36 euros for digital video recorder?!

    tax 18 euros for hard disk?!

  20. Why do we assume a photon is a particle


    Because it's particle.


    Are you aware that we can create electron and positron pair from single photon that has energy > 1.022 MeV?


    y -> e- + e+


    Typically photon has to hit some nucleus to produce pair.


    The higher energy of photon can produce other pairs of particles.


    Photons with extreme energies are creating shower of new particles.





    I guess I just don't understand why the photoelectric effect means light has to behave as particle.

    Photoelectric effect is just one of many effects confirming particle nature of light.

    Photon-atom interactions video:


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