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Posts posted by Sensei

  1. Well, I am dealing somewhat with lower power,

    What power?

    I said voltage..


    If you want 5 V, then take Zener 6 V, that's no problem at all.

    I used 15 V as an example for protecting 12 V nominal voltage circuit.


    Why is it better to use a fuse that could blow up instead of a charge regulator? Just more cost effective?

    I was describing general way of protecting vulnerable circuit, used in any case.


    Voltage regulators are using Zener diodes to not allow too high voltage reach circuit.


    Read this f.e.



    and this


    about Zener regulators.


    Instead of buying regulator you can build your own at microscopic cost.

  2. The new versions of python are I remember a python that couldn't count and complained on big files.

    If you will read big file in chunks, as everybody here are suggesting, there should be no problem.


    It still can't count. Why adding 0.0001 onto 0 up to 10 returns 9.994699999999 I have no clue.

    I can't check this, to confirm or deny. But such errors are everywhere, in all codes.

    It's just a matter of precision (any code will have issue while using IEEE 32 bit at 7+ digit after floating dot)..

    Math library issue most likely. It could be also issue with printing float, or float to string parsing routine.


    If it's really an issue (causing problem with your own code, not just theoretical talking), why don't you use integers and divide by 10000 at the end?


    Like in C/C++ code:

    int x = 0;

    int y = 1;

    x += y; // counter

    float x1 = (float) x / 10000.0;

    printf( "%f\n", x1 );


    (integer 10000 = 1.0 in float)


    I have no idea how they made blender out of it.

    Blender is written in C/C++.

    Such apps have special extension for Python, which can be loaded/imported in script, and Python can execute its functions, controlling the main app.

  3. The frame of the observer is never time dilated and never contracted.


    I never said time dilation, or length contraction, is directly visible from our FoR.


    But because of redshift/blueshift, and spectroscopy knowledge, observer in rocket will be able to tell his/her speed, relative to neighborhood stars.

    I wrote this in a rushed state of mind and I hope I haven't further confused anyone on my theory.


    So far you don't have scientific theory.

    Scientific theories are based on observations, from which there is derived mathematical formula, that can be used to predict past state or future state, of physical object or system.

    You can have no word, and formula, but not reverse. So far you have only words.


    I suggest reading what is scientific theory


    to get familiar with it.

  4. It is observers on Earth or on Proxima Centauri who would notice time dilation on board the spaceship.


    Within your own frame of reference nothing is length contracted and nothing is time dilated - SR predicts what happens to frames in relative motion when observed from the frame of the experimenter.


    According to SR, passengers of space ship should see blueshift of light from stars in direction of travel, and redshift of light from stars in opposite direction.


    Spectral lines of Hydrogen plasma should be shifted from f.e. 656 nm to 176 nm, when v=0.866c, [math]f=f0*\sqrt{\frac{1+v}{1-v}}[/math]


    Suppose so we have three clocks.

    One on Earth, second one on Proxima Centauri, third one on space ship.

    Ignoring fact that PC is ~4 ly from Earth, we reset clocks "at the same time", so each one is 00:00:00.

    And space ship is starting travel (immediately at full speed, to ignore variable velocity calcs).

    Then after arriving to PC, Earth's clock is showing ~ 4 years passed, PC's clock is showing ~ 4 years passed, and clock on space ship is showing ~ 2 years passed.

  5. Fiveworlds seems to swerve continuously between almost sensible posts and complete nonsense. I recommend people ignore everything he says, just to be on the safe side.


    Fiveworlds is self made programmer in interpreted languages with quite little experience..


    With time, he should learn how to optimize his programs, and gain knowledge.

  6. Relatively speaking when we look at a star 4 light years away(Proxima Centauri) we are seeing 4 years into it's past because it's light takes 4 years to reach our eyes. If we were flying in a space ship at the speed of light twords the star we would have witnessed 8 years of the stars history in 4 years, and thus we would have relatively "fast forwarded" in time.


    This is definitely not what special relativity is predicting. And actually shows your misunderstanding of SR.

    Space ship, in SR, flying in direction of Proxima Centauri with speed close to speed of light would have slowed time in its FoR.

    With v=0.866 c, flight would take 2 years on-board of space ship time.

  7. The first labor strike in the New World

    is made by.. Poles.. :)






    "The Jamestown Polish craftsmen's strike of 1619 occurred in the settlement of Jamestown in the Virginia colony, and was the first strike in the recorded history of North America. Polish craftsmen had been brought to the colony by colonial leader John Smith to make glassware, pitch, and tar. When the colony held its first election in 1619, the Polish craftsmen were not allowed to vote, and they went on strike on June 30, 1619. Due to the economic importance of these craftsmen in the young colony, colonial leaders bowed to the pressure and gave full voting rights to the Poles."


    Polish not allowed to vote?!

    At that time Polish were even able to elect their king from anybody they wanted..


  8. Are you able to reproduce it?


    If so, record it on video using digital camera, full hd preferably for good quality.


    Are you using solids only, or they're dissolved in water or other liquid.. ?


    What is mass of each of them.. ?

    You said, test tube, so I assume there is very small amount of them.

    Typical test tube has just 20-25 mL volume.


    What if you replace KCl by NaCl.. ?

  9. Only it has nothing to do with the available (virtual) memory of my computer which is 8 GB that file was 3.5GB. I can open the file just not with notepad or python.

    Limitation of some app (like Notepad),

    or language,

    is not the same as limitation of system.


    I made C/C++ project for you.

    Compiled for either 32 bit and 64 bit.


    Run it in command line as follows:

    OpenFile "file name"



    I used in this project ftell() to learn file size, which is defined as follows:


    long __cdecl ftell(_Inout_ FILE * _File);


    in includes.


    It's returning 32 bit integer.


    There is yet another function for 64 bit:


    __int64 _ftelli64(

    FILE *stream



    I used it (and _fseeki64()) in this project:


    so you can compare results.


    First project is written without using Windows specific functions (ANSI C, portable code possible to compile without changes on Linux/MacOS),

    while 2nd project uses functions available only in Windows,

    added by Microsoft to support 64 bit.


    To support 64 bit file handling on Linux, there are other functions, available on Linux, but not available on Windows (and vice versa):



    Program written in the past by default uses 32 bit file handling functions.

    Program written now, have to be written by professional programmer, who is aware of how to deal with too large files.

    Otherwise he/she will use wrong functions, and will make limitation by himself/herself.


    I know plentiful programmers who use obsolete ancient computers with (32 bit) Windows XP, and don't want to upgrade (and it's not a matter of money).

    My neighborhood was using Pentium III laptop (OMG).

    Their private code, private projects, will most likely be affect by this issue.

  10. I see it's yours video.

    So how about making couple tests?

    f.e. instead of using permanent magnet, use electromagnet and variable resistor to control amount of current flowing through coil.

    The higher current, the stronger electromagnet.

    Then change polarization by swapping + and - in DC.

    How about using small frequency AC for electromagnet (current will be flowing once in one direction, then in other, and it'll be changing polarization of electromagnet).


    How about using wire through which current is flowing and surrounding container with ferrofluid.. ? So it'll be kinda like core in electromagnet.


    Did you try if your fluid is passing current.. ?

  11. I already said why the equation uses h and said it doesn't have to. It could easily be in units of 1 joule instead of hf.

    Ridiculous. It must have Planck constant. As it would ruin plentiful in either classic and quantum physics.


    If you have light source which is emitting uniform wavelength photons with power P from point source, in the all directions (inverse-square law).


    Single photon has energy:





    Power P [W] is E/t, energy by time.


    If you sum all photons energies, multiply h*f by their quantity, you will receive total energy emitted in time unit.


    Etotal = h*c/wavelength * quantity of photons


    Inverse-square law E=Etotal/(4*PI*r^2)

    so finally:

    E=h*c/wavelength * quantity / (4*PI*r^2)


    These photons deliver energy from source to our detector. f.e. Sun is heating Earth by photons.

    If you would replace h*f by some other value than 6.62607*10^-34 J*s * frequency, energy received in Joules would be different.

    Which would be easily detectable as different temperature.


    Actually that's how it has been detected that different wavelength photons have different energies, by splitting white light on prism, and then heating few samples of water (for red, green, blue light) and reading temperature increase.

  12. Both sensei and fiveworlds seem to have missed the point of the question.

    I didn't want to give final code, as it sounds quite like homework..


    In fiveworld's example the "print" line needs to be replaced with something like:

    if (<regular expression to find lines not starting with number):

    Why do you want to use regular expressions for such silly task as checking whether 1st character is digit or not.. ?


    Equivalent of C/C++ code:

    if( !( ( row[ 0 ] >= '0' ) && ( row[ 0 ] <= '9' ) ) )


    if( !isdigit( row[ 0 ] ) )

    will be sufficient (and faster, reg expressions are pretty slow).


    (assuming null-terminated row is in buffer)



  13. Isotope is stable when there is not allowed decay mode to other isotope with smaller mass-energy.

    That's it, if decay would violate one or more conservation, decay is not allowed.


    The most important is conservation of energy. Deuterium is not decaying to free proton and free neutron, because there is missing 2.22 MeV energy. When this energy is delivered from external source (such as alpha particle with kinetic energy higher than 2.22 MeV), Deuterium can disintegrate. And it's used as source of free neutrons in other experiments for instance.

  14. Gosh, I'm probably missing something obvious here but, capacitance is defined as Charge over Voltage, and of-course we can say that V=IR. So if C equals V over IR, it seems like the easiest thing to do is to increase the resistance. Lengthen the wire, use a material of lower conductivity, play with varying scales of resistors etc. .... Alright, after some calculation, I have you at a resistance of 72.9 KOhms Does that work?


    I'm sure I've messed something up in a glorious fashion here, as this seemed far too simple. What did I miss?

    Units mixed with symbols?


    Capacitance is in Farads F.

    Charge Q is in Coulombs C.

    Voltage U is in Volts V.

    Current I is in Amperes A.


    1 F = 1 C / 1 V


    1 V = 1 A * 1 ohm



    1 F = 1 C / ( 1 A * 1 ohm )


    But we know that I=Q/t, or Q=I*t. In units it'll be 1 C = 1 A * 1s.



    1 F = 1 A * 1s / ( 1 A * 1 ohm ) = s/ohm

  15. What does make the Earth be orbiting the Sun?

    Acceleration of initial accretion disk



    Would there be a way to change Earth's orbit?


    f.e. direct collision with other cosmic object, resulting in rapid deceleration, or changing path (and vaporization of the all living organisms on the Earth).

    It happens all the time but with small objects in f.e. kuiper belt.

    f.e. indirect passing through massive cosmic object in close region of Solar System.


    See thread about hypervelocity stars


    This is pretty similar case, but with stars and black hole.

    Cosmic object can be ejected from its normal path (better fate than being suck by black hole).

  16. And yet no one has added to the defense of the utility of wormholes, time travel, and the 11th dimension. Instead everyone is jumping on the band wagon of what I wasn't talking about.

    You also mentioned "quarks and leptons", in the same line as "wormholes".

    Their decay is what is running nuclear plants, so far using U-235.

    There can be other unstable/stable isotopes which can be turned to fuel of future.

    Scientists have to analyze newly produced unstable isotopes to check whether they could be used as fuel of future.


    I don't see how understanding the spin of a quark is ever going to advance human kind.

    Nuclear spin of theoretically unstable isotope can cause it to be metastable because there is not allowed decay mode (or time is significantly increased).

    f.e. what should decay quickly, is delayed, and decaying from excited state to ground state, by emitting gamma rays, much longer than expected.


    Don't you think so fluorescence is interesting subject to discover by scientists?


    Read about using Tritium as source of electrons that excite other atoms


    to emit light in Wristwatch clock.

  17. You're mixing units.

    Time is in seconds,

    Length is in meters,

    Energy is in Joules, which is kg*m^2/s^2

    Mass is in kg.


    You cannot add two or more variables/const with different units.

  18. If either g or G varied then the clocks wouldn't work and people would notice.


    g is varying even from place to place on Earth.





    g vary as a function of latitude.

    That's it, it depends on distance to Earth's center.

    But if it does so with Earth, it must also does with Sun, and Moon, and Milky Way center.

    Once we're the closest to the Sun at noon, and the furthest from the Sun at midnight.


    ps. I would start analyze from checking in what exactly days of year were G calculated in the past (function of distance to Milky Way center)..


    ps2. Variation of g is used during exploration of resources https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravity_gradiometry


    Ideal clocks do but real clocks don't stay that way. White frequency noise means a random walk in phase, so real clocks do not stay synchronized.


    Yes, I know.

    But remember we're talking to non-scientist.

    If you want to be so much precise, then give him amount of introduced error:

    "In March 2015 the NIST-F2 caesium fountain clock reported a uB of 1.5 × 10−16. At this frequency uncertainty, the NIST-F2 is expected to neither gain nor lose a second in more than 211 million (211 × 106) years."

    (from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_clock )

  20. Sensei are decays constant or do they modulate in intensity?


    Quantity of decays is dropping exponentially, as quantity of unstable particles is gone.


    ps. You can learn how to calculate decay energy reading article in my signature.

    There is also graph with decays per second as function of time, OpenOffice SpreadSheet project to download:


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