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Everything posted by KrisMiss

  1. It CAN be turned into an assertion that you misrepresented my opinion!! It's EXACTLY what you did. And if this is the method you use while you are backing up other claims, such as those pretty little graphs and quotes from biased sites, then as of now, i have my own personal experience to base my judgement on when it comes to your posts. You completely disregarded my entire point and picked out one sentence out of context that without the preceding information was twisted 180 completely. Obviously, this is often the way you try to make your point. Your posts have exactly zero validity with me now.
  2. well that's just mean! If he needs validation by misrepresenting my info...well i guess that speaks for itself.
  3. Like i said, as i stated in the rest of my post multiple times (not just that one line, which i also agree with, btw. ) Please don't take things out of context that way.. Please read the entire post before you make a judgement about my opinion that isint true. My point is that both are true. Again, please refer back to my post. Human actions and pollution only hurt ourselves, the planet will always recover. You completely missed the whole point and intent of that position in my post. are you really that uncomfortable thinking outside your comfort zone?
  4. I absolutely agree! As I said in my earlier post, we are only hurting ourselves. The planet will take care of itself.
  5. You don't think its possible that the center of the universe could fluctuate? I understand what you're saying, i just don't think we are able to accurately measure the true center of the universe...isint that what you said in a previous post? or did i mis interpret? Did i misinterpret what you meant here about the center? Our own observable horizon...i really like that idea!
  6. That is fascinating to think about! It's honestly something i've never thought of before. I'm just starting to dip my toes in all this, but wow! Do you think the center of the universe is constant? or could it fluctuate?
  7. I know that we can't actually calculate the true center of the universe, we just don't have the technology yet, but i still think it's an interesting idea, and could very well work. I also like to entertain the idea of our universe actually being inside a black hole. What are your thoughts on that? I find both of these ideas fascinating!
  8. I didn't mean to cause a problem...now i feel bad! i apologize!
  9. I understood which post you were thanking me for , i did not mean to cause any confusion! I also definitely think you are onto something with the black hole in the center of our universe, do you think it is three dimensional? I was definitely thanking you for the links on your post! I already took a peek at the site and can't wait to dig in some more! I'm sorry there was some confusion in the threads! *thread I know which post you were thanking me for hun! Sorry for all the confusion! Sheesh!! lol!
  10. Awesome! Thank you! It's like looking at everything a whole new way for me! Mind blowing!
  11. oh ok, my bad i do find it very intriguing, and i should certainly choose my words more accurately!
  12. I agree, i think humans just don't hold a candle at all to the power of the planet itself. Like i said before, it think it is arrogance that makes people believe that they really make much of an impact. We don't like the idea that we are really so insignificant when it comes to our planet...i think it scares us.
  13. I think this is a great point. A theory can only go so far if you don't have the tools to completely test what your mind has come up with (if that makes sense...) Your ideas are extremely interesting to me, and i understand you don't have a lot of proof to back it up yet, but that's exactly why they call it a "theory", right?. but I definetly see multiple interesting ideas within your total theory, although some parts are missing, (and honestly when i say "missing" that might just be me not understanding some of it) but thats what the forum is about, to constantly gain new knowledge, brainstorm, expand and streamline new ideas. I know your ideas have certainly made me think, and reevaluate the way i look at the creation of the universe. I've persoally always had the opinion that a huge gravitational event is the only force strong enough (at least to my current understanding), like the big bang was involved to create our universe, but i like your ideas on that topic, i think many of your points have merit! Don't be disheartened by people picking apart your ideas...i think so many are good ones, and even tho people can be rough/a little mean, take their criticisms and use them to your advantage! even if you find they are wrong....or right! I never even heard of a 4-d black hole before! It's awesome to think about this stuff! In a similar post of my own, i was trying to describe the gravitational relationship of everything to everything else, and i like the mesh idea a lot! It made my mind clear up a bit for my own theory. I'd love to learn more about white holes/4-d black holes...any sites/links you would recommend? and sometimes you can be a little rough yourself u know but i definitely think you should keep researching with this idea! i think you could be on to something
  14. so gravitational fields and electric fields for charged particles have the same models? i'd love to see the math that correlates them, anyone have any idea where to find that? I'l love to see it. and i know the sun would never actually disappear (like you said conservation of mass), but i think the post was a hypothetical situation.
  15. thats interesting, never thought of that. do you think they would go spinning off one at a time, of would some of them be drawn to each other, with their respective masses? or continue to orbit the planet with the largest mass closebye? interesting idea!
  16. i really like your observation about viewing humans as a species on the earth. that was actually a thought that was rolling around in my mind when i made an earlier argument about the entirety of climate change, you helped me put that last piece together on that aspect! you explained it so much better than my attempt earlier, not to mention expanded my own view! nice!
  17. hahaha! and i need to pay more attention! also thank you unity+ ive never been surrounded by so many smart ppl/experts at once, its pretty awesome
  18. arc, lol ok good! i thought i had pissed you off through my "greenness". looking back at the post i saw your address to me and feel silly now! ha! i just love learning new stuff
  19. Thank you! I absolutely agree, i know i do not have the background to speak definitively, and it drives me nuts sometimes but thats why i l sought out this forum. I respect and admire your expertise, and hope to get there someday! (im still young, give me time!I joined yesterday, and its the first time ive ever done anything like this, but i love the feedback from everyone and enjoy the things im learning from it. Surrounding myself with intelligent people and those with the knowledge to expand on these types of topics are exactly what i was looking for in joining a forum! I also appreciate the fact that you took the time to respond to me, even though I'm still very green. I'm glad that you and the people here want to nurture and expand the quest for knowledge and understanding. I feel like thats what its all about. lol, ok that was long winded im done now! I apologize, i did not mean any disrespect im still getting through the model, its just taking me more time than i though, but i will make sure my future opinions are better founded and the model completely understood by myself. Thank you for your time, its been a very eye opening experience
  20. the planet has always had its own cooling and warming periods. A planet wide change is usually made by the planet itself. I think the theory has great merit. like i said, im no expert, just someone who read the thread and found it interesting. Im drawing my conclusions from my degree, i dont have fancy graphs or anything ready for acute scrutiny. it was just my own thoughts and basic general theory. i just like to put things out there, thats how i learn new things. and not everyone with a good idea gets a nobel prize. especially when its a new not widely accepted theory. in that, your logic is flawed. Although reading back through your posts, i do agree with you that it might not be the only cause, but i do think it is a big one.
  21. you just made my point. The planet WILL be fine. Like i said in my post, the only ones we are hurting our ourselves.
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