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Two places at once


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It is quantum wierdness. Particle non location that is. Something existing in two or places or more at the same time, or is it?

Maybe it's intuitive to those with a proper line of thought.


Surely we must realize by now that:

The universe is expanding at different rates everywhere, all at once. Because if time is relative, so is location.


I know, and makes sense. Everything above absolute zero in the uiniverse is moving. The universe itself is growing. Probably at the rate of all the distance created by every velocity exceeding the speed of light. Distance expands between every object that moves towards another object at a velocity exceeding the speed of light. Regaurdless of the distance that already exists between them. So, what time is it?

Where does a thing exist?

This would depend upon which layer of time it is measured in. Elemetary. To measure something is to locate it's position within a frame of time that is in sync with the measuring observer, within that shared moment. Weird? Not really. Not when you really think about it. It's just a quantum fact that the winds of time are a real phenominon in the realm of the very small.

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Expansion is very small on a terrestrial scale, and I expect the separation of quantum states has been made much, much larger than that, so it wouldn't be the cause. In any event, you would need to show this one way or the other to support or negate your claim.


The rest is incomprehensible to me. You need to make more sense to keep this thread alive.

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Distance creation makes up 74 percent of the universe. Imagine that. It is the dominate force of the universe by far. When I imagine this I tend to model Inflation as the result of a single time dilation. It was only relative to itself. Therefor there was no velocity, making faster than light speed possible.

And then I tend to think that perhaps vacuum energy is the result of time dilations crashing into each other in deep space. The strong force as being made of several bands of time dilations brought about by the simple act of a vibrating proton and the electron the result of this time dilation crahing into the present moment of an observers perspective, of a present moment.

We tend to think of time being three dimensional. Past, present, and future, but the quantum fact is, there are many present moments. If time is relative, then so is position, and distance. That's all I'm saying. Nothing special, My butt is not falling through this chair because the distance being created by the chair is crashing into distance being created by my butt, and the electron is the result of this action happening in a unified series of present moments.

This is the unifying theory. It is M theory and membranes are made up of present moments of time.

It's well understood that we can look into the universe and see a star existing in two different places at once. But what we really see is one star and two paths. They'll both get you there and in the same amount of time. The electron existing in several places at once is no different. Two positions created by time. To observe is to choose a path, that's all. Quantum entanglement, no big mystery. Two places at once, Just a matter of time.

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@36grit, I have some questions. When you respond please keep in mind that my grasp of physics is weak, my appreciation of quantum physics juvenile and my understanding of cosmology less than fundamental.


Distance creation makes up 74 percent of the universe. Imagine that. It is the dominate force of the universe by far.

What did you mean by distance creation? Did you mean to write "the force responsible for expansion"?


When I imagine this I tend to model Inflation as the result of a single time dilation. It was only relative to itself.

I do not understand how a thing may be only relative to itself. Would you explain?


Therefor there was no velocity, making faster than light speed possible.

If there was no velocity in what way was it possible for there to be speed?



And then I tend to think that perhaps vacuum energy is the result of time dilations crashing into each other in deep space.

I understood that time dilations were a consequence of observations by different observers. How can observations crash into each other in deep space? By what mechanism would these generate vacuum energy?


The strong force as being made of several bands of time dilations brought about by the simple act of a vibrating proton and the electron the result of this time dilation crahing into the present moment of an observers perspective, of a present moment.

Let me be frank. That sounds like some misappropriate phrases, merged with some misunderstood ideas, creating a cacophony of nonsense. Perhaps you would take the time to explain it with greater clarity and precision.


I have more questions, but I'll wait your response to these as that may make further ones unnecessary.


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Let me start over. Try put the idea on a single, familiar scale. Let's say two quarks vibrate in a proton at a velosity faster than light. This will cause distance to expand between them. These rays, and loops of distance build a force field of energy around the vibrating particles. The newly created distance pushes on previously created distances. The friction between them cause electro magnetic phenominons like the Higgs boson.


This is quantum foam. The lowest octive that we can percieve. Scale up an octive and we see The proton vibrating. and the wierd and elusive electron.

Now, this is an element so mysterious that can exist in more than one place at a time. Quantum non-location.


Let's watch the double slit experiment.

The electrons form an interference pattern when we are not watching them. There are two relative points. (A) the gun the electron was fired out of and (B) The target, a recording plate. The electron occupies every possible position that exists. These positions are goverened only by the speed of light and the point of origin.


When we observe the action there are at least three relative points.( A) and (B) as before but also © an oberver. The electron will now form the "Shadow" of the two slits. The disance being observed now a triangulated plane. The electron is shaping this plane. It must exist from gun to target at the speed of light, and from the gun to the camera's photon sensor, at the speed of light, and from the target to camera's photon sensor, at the same time.


Time is relavant. Therefor distance and position is also relavant.

Edited by 36grit
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Let's say two quarks vibrate in a proton at a velosity faster than light.


Why would you say that? What evidence do you have?


This will cause distance to expand between them.


Why? Quarks are strongly consrained by the strong force. What is making them move apart?


These rays, and loops of distance


What are "rays of distance"?


build a force field of energy around the vibrating particles.


Why? What is a "force field of energy"?


The newly created distance pushes on previously created distances.


How can distance push on distance? I have a new ruler; it doesn't push on my old ruler.


The friction between them cause electro magnetic phenominons like the Higgs boson.


What is the cause of this friction? What makes you think think that would cause electromagnetic phenomena? What makes you think this has anything to do with the Higgs bososn (which is electrically neutral)?


This is quantum foam.


Not unless you are redefining that term.


The rest of your post becomes increasingly nonsensical.

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Moderator Note

Unless you have a way of quantifying these things (like how mysterious particle is), and can start other than somewhere that violates known laws of physics (moving faster than c) this doesn't rise to the level of discussion we expect in speculations.

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