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Gender frequency sensitivity - pink or blue

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Why do we automatically associate men with the color blue and women with pink and not vice versa ?


Is it due to inherited traits and is it superficial or something of deeper import ?


Does it reflect patterns of thought processes in either gender ?


Is it linked to XY chromosomal dominance, in that higher frequencies are more popular with the "martian" gender ?


Please advise. :unsure:

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Why do we automatically associate men with the color blue and women with pink and not vice versa ?




Moderator Note


I've noticed a pattern. You have a tendency to ask broad questions without establishing that the premise on which the question is based is actually true. Often enough the question is an extrapolation of anecdotal evidence, i.e. assuming that something is generally true based on a small number of instances.


You need to stop doing that.


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Why do we automatically associate men with the color blue and women with pink and not vice versa ?


I think it's very much cultural. Say, in Taoism philosophy males are associated with white (yin) and females with dark (yang) forces. For a long period of time men in many cultures have been associated with the planet Mars and hence with red colour. Also, according to the web page below the association of boys with blue colour is very recent coming from mid-twentieth century.



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