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Is it very expensive to see doctors in USA? (split topic)


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Also, because they have to treat people without guarantee of remuneration for services rendered and resources used, it drives the cost up overall because those who can pay then have to cover the hospital costs for those who can't. Meanwhile, the hospital cuts its losses by writing off non-payments for tax purposes and selling the debt to collections agencies for pennies on the dollar.


So we wind up with all of what people consider to be the downsides of "socialized medicine" in long wait times and having to subsidize the healthcare of people who can't afford it, but we get the added benefits of punishing those people by effectively bankrupting them and doing all of that in the confines of a system that isn't designed to handle it so everything gets gummed up and we all receive worse care for it.


Literally the only thing going for the US healthcare system is that if you have enough money you can effectively skip the line by going to an exclusive specialist that will give you some of the best care in the world.


If you can't afford that, though, you're pretty much screwed if you get hit with anything really serious.

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So we wind up with all of what people consider to be the downsides of "socialized medicine" in long wait times and having to subsidize the healthcare of people who can't afford it, but we get the added benefits of punishing those people by effectively bankrupting them and doing all of that in the confines of a system that isn't designed to handle it so everything gets gummed up and we all receive worse care for it.


I've been slamming "the wealthy" for this type of mentality, and of course I realize that's a blanket condemnation, but it seems to be the mindset of those with wealth who seek political power as well that any type of socialized medicine or welfare is a handout, given by the masters to the servants, instead of an investment in society. They want to control, they want to pass judgement because they're better, and they want to punish or praise based on their whim. The concept of investing in people's prosperity through effective socialism, working alongside effective capitalism, is lost on most Americans.

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