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Al Einstein


all my life all you hear is Einstein " Relativity"

you never never hear Einstein E=mc2 Farther of the atomic bomb!


you see that is why everyone knows Einstein he won ww2 single handedly by inventing the atom bomb


but america has to claim the victory and they do it by trying to always make you think of relavity instead of atom bomb like relativity is so important , i have one question how often do you move at a hundred million miles per second! what never! so that so important, that you never do it but never ever say al won ww2 never never say that never never never

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While your post has some grain of truth...it is not wholely accurate; to be nice.


While Einstein's equations made the atomic bomb possible, he did no research on the atomic bomb, and he was not part of the Manhattan project.


While he did advocate the making of the bomb, he only did it because he was afraid Germany would make one first...he later regreted this position.


Einstein was a pacifist at heart, and this post is all conjecture, without any facts to back it up.


read more http://www.doug-long.com/einstein.htm

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Saudireports;you have no idea what you are talking about.

Einstein didn't even invent the atom bomb!

i have one question how often do you move at a hundred million miles per second!

You apparently have no knowledge of the subject you ridicule. Light can't even get up to a fifth of that speed, and one of the laws of relativity is that nothing can reach the speed of light. I suggest you learn a little about something before you attempt to ridicule it.

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Saudireports, you are either a troll, or guided by seriously flawed logic...

Should you also blame those individuals through history who have contributed to the formulation of the laws of motion, for deaths caused by projectiles, such as bombs, hitting their calculated targets during ww2?

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Long live the Jews! Einstein was Jewish and barely escaped the Nazi camps. However you want to judge it Einstein was brilliant (and lucky).


Go figure, I'm of German decent. That's okay though, because I'm not pregidous.


Long Live the Jews!

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