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What model of aether did Michelson & Morley finally disprove?


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What model of aether do Michelson and Morley.et al easily disprove?



Easily? None - these experiments were the end of many years hard work from a large and dedicated team.


In the 18th Century James Bradley's experiments examining and measuring Stellar Aberration began to show that we could not be stationary wrto the aether - Michelson and Morley sought to detect the relative velocity between the Earth and the aether; however their results were negative and showed no movement. Subsequent refinements have confirmed both results that we are neither moving within the aether nor stationary with respect to it - this contradiction is most easily solved by rejecting the needless postulation of a luminferous aether. Through Einstein's Special Relativity and still using Maxwell's Equations we can provide a full explanation of the invariance of light speed and its transmission through the vacuum without needing to resort to a completely self-contradictory and experimentally absent aether.

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The Michelson-Morley result was compatible with the idea of "aether dragging" (i.e. the aether being stationary around the Earth). But this model was contradicted by other experiemtns. Those experiemtns might be compatible with "stationary aether" but this is contradicted by the Michelson-Morley result. Similarly with "partial dragging" and all the other ad-hoc attempts to make it work.


No aether theory (*) is compatible with all experiments.


(*) Except LET, which is SR with extra undetectable aether that has no effect on anything. At which point Occam's Law applies and it becomes SR.

Edited by Strange
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*dark to the unenlightened *

def: mass

gravity and inertia

aether mark.001

If earth and sun orbit through stationary aether, an aether wind will be measured on the side spinning into the relative headwind.

Michelson and Morley et einstein et.al. prove this model false with a simple interferometer. Skeptics cost more in BS&Ts.

aether mark.101

It is now common knowledge* that wind is the flow of atomic* matter and space is filled with quantum matter*.

And how many of these experiments* try to measure the pressure in gs of falling dark matter?

mark.like you


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