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Could infinite be a relative term?


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Perhaps infinite is a relative term.

Does the photon posses infinite energy? Maybe it's not massless but rather it's infinite mass is spread out over an infinite ray of distance making it appear massless. And the Higgs boson would ofcourse be intersections of these rays whereby some part of the infinite mass/distance is converted back to energy. This would create a field where larger massive objects would have some difficulty reaching light speed. Merging rays might explain velocity time dialations.

The more photons produced the faster the universe would expand, Thus dark energy.

Just a thought.

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There are different sizes of infinities, so in that sense it can be relative.


Specifically regarding physics, energies we are interested in are often the differences between two states, so as long as the infinity cancels, it has no effect on us. The energy solution for the zero-point energy is infinite, for example, but it doesn't matter, because we are only interested in the difference in energy when the occupation number changes, or the particle changes state.

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I guess what I'm trying to say is that perhaps during nuclear fission between a couple of hyrdrogen atoms, that one of the atoms remains a "classic" sphereicle atom with an extra proton or two but the other becomes a linear atom made of infinite energy, speed, and mass and that the ininite mass is spread out as infinite distance making appear that the photon is without mass.

It's like saying, "Living in the universe is like experiencing infinite density from the inside" Or that Space time is what several strings of infinite mass looks like.


Quantum entanglement might suggest that the proton adopted by the sphereical atom maybe still linked to the linear atoms who's electrons appear to be free photons in the classicle view.


The electron quantum leaps and moves around some distance from the nucleous of it's atom according the heat and structure of it's enviorment. In a linear atom the photon will also move around the ray of distance (which includes past, present, and future space from our relative stand point) but when measured will always be the speed of light from A to B, or from it's proton to present position because this is the speed that time stops and the present time is an equilibrium between the past and future and is ofcourse relative the heat and structure of relative density of surounding matrix of space time rays from other photons.

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  • 7 months later...

I'll try and rephrase this.

It's my understanding that;


1) for mass to move at an infinite speed, requires infinite energy and that the mass itself will become infinite.

2) Protons are held inplace by a shell we call the strong force.

3) Models show these things as a spherical shape with an electron (a captured photon) orbiting the entity.

4) When two hydrogen atoms fuse into one Helium atom we note that; the proton of one winds up in the shell of the other and that a photon is released.

5) And here's the hard part, explaining my thought in terms that a scientist can understand;

A) If we think of the strong force shell as a one dimensional point in space time whereby an entity, (The atom) can exist within the expansion of the time space continuum. (because it moves slower than the speed of light.) then;

B) perhaps the escaped photon exists in a two dimensional line of space, made up of/or some part of it's original one dimensional shell.


In this scenario the strong force reaches light speed and becomes infinite mass, traveling at an infinite speed, according to the infinite energy of atomic collision that fused the atoms.


Space and time expand and contract for different reasons (see time dialations). Therefore the photon being observed by different observers will have to be in several places at once, because every observer will measure it's position as the speed of light from it's source.


I'm just saying that perhaps the photon is not moving freely in a vacuum but rather it exists everywhere all at once within an infinite two dimensional line of strong force, and that we observe it as existing the speed of light from it's source because of our own position in time and relativity.

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