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I need some help with finding C books and what I am searching for, I mean, the depth of the book, makes it not 'that' clear to me..and I'm new to C programming.

because, I'm searching for a good book(although ALL books are nice, no comments specifically)

which can clear my basic concepts for the 'C language'.

and I wanted to clear it, the book or pdf, should have step by step explaination of every little programming tool like '%d' why it is used stepwise as the program is compiled. if possible, more practical explaination, like this c program example-







int a,c;

printf("\nENTER ANY NUMBER\n");



printf("\nSQUARE OF GIVEN NUMBER =%d",c);








In the explaination, it is given just that this program prints square of a no.

and I want to get every line like the header files, the main() what is this? and int, printf, scanf, how we put the a integer into c int variable how do I know this beforehand, where? I have to keep this c=a*a after scanf, always? but there should be a reason, a lot more in detail than just running the program.

Also, if there is any other programming language, like BASIC, PHP or other that I have to learn before C,

The thing is, once the basic concept of using these tools and how to put them and such is so clear I can make the program on my own, once I learn a single program, if possible.


I don't need a hard book (with just the important topics taken) but a deep book where I can learn the se little concepts (not just c but 'programming' in common..) A pdf link is appreciated.



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If you really want to know how a language works, it is best to start from the ground, develop, and use all the pieces.


Nand to tetris is a semester self learning class in which you start with a nand gate and build a computer (simulated), assembler, operating system, compiler, and the game of tetris. Some people do it in groups as a club.



Everything you need at nand2tetris org

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"The C Programming Language" aka "K&R" is probably still the de-facto C reference book, written by Kernighan and Ritchie (Ritchie invented C). It will explain all those details.


You might want to google "c programming language pdf".


I don't think it's the best or easiest way to start or learn programming in general, but once you know some programming basics it will tell you everything you need to know about C.


Googling "c tutorial" or "programming tutorial" will probably be enough to get started.

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Kernighan and Ritchie is the reference book, but:

- It is not a beginner's book!

- It describes straight C. Meanwhile C++ was introduced and it influenced Ansi C a lot. Ansi C has significant differences with K&R.


Also, C makes often Unix-style programs while C++ makes more often programs with a Graphical User Interface, like the ones common on Windows. Though, do not begin with C++.


I see no reason to begin with an other language. C may not be the easiest one, but it's similar to the rest of the family, and it's the most useful.


Once you're easy with C or a similar one (which includes Fortran and more), I strongly suggest to learn one very different language like Prolog, Smalltalk or especially Lisp. Even if you don't use an exotic language for daily programming, their radically different methods and algorithms opens you to other programming styles which are usable and useful in C. One assembly language (simple, not Pentium) also brings benefits.


Instead of C books, you might search for programming tutorials, and pick one that uses C.

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