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Very low probability of 2 advanced societies at same time in near universe


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"At any practical pace of interstellar travel, the galaxy can be completely colonized in just a few tens of millions of years." - in Fermi paradox. with this I not need make more comments. This man not considered the need of combustible?


You consider that we have a probably millions years civilization, what combustible?


In our planet the spatial race begin in 1957, from there the man as put the foot in Moon and make a hole in Mars. This in 56 years.


How could make comunications a civilization that would exist in a galaxy, with a probably longer of 100000 lightyears like our Milky way?


What would be the interest for conquist many planets with the cost in materials and combustible?


etc, .etc ...


And all this would be with only 1 civilization, not 2 like say the post



Your obsession with "combustibles" is blinding you to reality, while our civilization has relied on combustibles so far as it's major source of energy there are other sources and civilization can be run on those sources. In fact non fossil fuel energy sources can be used to make combustibles, we have literally thousands of years of nuclear energy left, billions of years of solar energy left, at least millions of years of geothermal and tidal not to mention wind. Our civilization has changed and will continue to change if not we would not be here now...


On the other hand Fermi's paradox does suggest that technological civilizations are rare, I see no evidence to dispute this directly but the cause would not necessarily be lack of energy sources...


You might want to check this out...



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