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Realist Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics that rules out Determinism

John R Ramsden

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Hi all


I just posted a paper on ViXra, http://vixra.org/abs/1212.0163 , with title as above and will be very interested in any constructive criticism etc (which mayl be acknowledged by name in future versions, unless otherwise requested).


Evidence for the model would be a formal proof that the basic tenets of QM can be derived from it, which I believe should be possible and is something I am currently considering. Note that emphatically nothing in the paper is intended to suggest that QM is in any sense "wrong", quite the reverse. It is merely an attempt to discern and sketch a realist or "operational" underpinning to QM.


It is fairly short (10 well-spaced pages) and, I am pleased to think, logically presented as far as it goes and to the extent the tentative nature of the model permits.


So do your worst ;-P ...





John R Ramsden (jhnrmsdn@yahoo.co.uk)


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Trying to hit one Proton by another Proton (for example), accelerated to speed of light or so, is like trying to hit moving car using bazooka. Once you will hit in wheel, second time in door, and never the same absolute location twice.


Destroyed car remain destroyed, and debris fly in the all directions. But Proton like the all other particles is energy and they want to be in stable groups. Attraction between elementary particles is too high, to "debris" fly alone. But newly constructed intermediate particles might be not stable too, and decay instantly to what is appropriate for them (sum of "debris" must be equal to source particles that participated in "destruction").


That's whole idea for mine Ultimate Theory


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Yes ViXra is a mixed bag I know; but by no means all submissions are complete garbage, although discernmentis needed to separate the sheep from the goats! It is also a useful way to establish a reliable submission date for an idea.




I have reported you for spamming a thread with a totally unrelated material. You started your own thread for your Proton pair idea, and this looks quite active. So it is totally out of order and quite uncalled for and pointless to pollute another thread with more of the same.

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Trying to hit one Proton by another Proton (for example), accelerated to speed of light or so, is like trying to hit moving car using bazooka. Once you will hit in wheel, second time in door, and never the same absolute location twice.


Destroyed car remain destroyed, and debris fly in the all directions. But Proton like the all other particles is energy and they want to be in stable groups. Attraction between elementary particles is too high, to "debris" fly alone. But newly constructed intermediate particles might be not stable too, and decay instantly to what is appropriate for them (sum of "debris" must be equal to source particles that participated in "destruction").


That's whole idea for mine Ultimate Theory




Moderator Note

Advertising your speculations threads elsewhere is specifically addressed in the rules "5. Stay on topic. Posts should be relevant to the discussion at hand. This means that you shouldn't use scientific threads to advertise your own personal theory"

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We ARE in speculations section ALREADY....



a thread with a totally unrelated material.


Unrelated? We are living in THE SAME Universe, are not you?


What I said above is not mine "idea" - it's fact what happens in accelerators.

I just used words that anybody, even complete noob in physics can understand to describe what happens.

Edited by Przemyslaw.Gruchala
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Przemyslaw.Gruchala wrote:


> We ARE in speculations section ALREADY....


We are in one thread of the Speculations section.


You see the button just below that says "Back to Speculations"? Well pressing that takes you to the Speculations thread list, where _your_ thread is among those listed


Now please, take your ball and climb back over the fence into your garden!







John R Ramsden

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Now please, take your ball and climb back over the fence into your garden!


No problem. This thread will quickly die anyway because of lack of interest of anybody- physics and mathematics are based on determinism.


Without determinism what is else? Religion...


I am just on second side of this - with absolute determinism.


Sorry for disruption.



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No, neither math nor physics require or reject determinism.


Math has nothing to do with determinism. Physics does not require determinism, nor does it exclude determinism. Quantum physics has both deterministic and nondeterministic interpretations (the former violate one of several other usual assumptions, such as local realism or counterfactual definiteness).


Edited by uncool
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