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2012- end of the world


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  • 4 months later...



Our zero hour is near. Pursuant my bet (post #9), I have readied my pen to write you a million dollar personal check, should I not be here, and there is no here to be at, at 6:12 AM EST.


The Mayan long age ends at 1:11 AM HAST in Honolulu today.


I suggest you ready your magic marker, so you can write yourself a note on your forehead at 6:12 AM EST.


But don't worry, I will give you a few weeks leeway, and write you that check immediately upon an actual cessation of existence.


Regards, TAR2


On the other hand, if a large spaceship lands in France to whisk away the believers, and the God of War and Creation shows up, in a couple hours...I have a magic marker up in the kitchen, for my own note.


And just so you know, if science where to predict that the world will end in 4.5 billion years...I would not bet against them. But science has predicted that the Sun will rise today, and I am 100% betting that indeed that will be the case. ((proof being you are (in an hour and a half) reading this, after 1:11 HAST))

Edited by tar
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