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I don't know whether or not to belive this


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"9/11 conspiracy theorists are idiots, let's just leave it at that."


this isnt personal-these are the exact kind of presuppositions that stops science getting done, presuppose something (based on media usually)-fail to even investigate opposing side of mainstream belief=standard indoctrination into a intentional way of thinking. (thank you karl marx hitler etc lol)

These aren't presuppositions. This is the result of science investigating the opposing side of mainstream belief, debunking the 9/11 conspiracy theorists for the past decade, then having some johnny-come-lately yelling CONSPIRACY 10 years later and calling into question the integrity of thousands, all based on the most rudimentary data.


The only presupposition is yours. It is amazing that in you we have found the one person who know that claims need to be investigated. Clearly none of the scientists, engineers, military, family and politicians felt the need to try to determine exactly what happened that day. They all just said "ah, we're probably right about what happened here, and since its just a little thing let's just drop it."


Try Googling 'debunking 9/11 conspiracy theories'. There are 270,000 examples of science doing its job. Your comment is simply insulting.

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Please, stop talking about 9/11 period. I came here to talk about alien visitations, not terrorism.


Anyway, why would anyone come up with the idea that alien visitors enslaved hominids? If this is a theory of where religion came from then it makes sense, otherwise it's just being judgmental and cynical towards outside civilizations. In other words...


And if that did happen, that doesn't mean our 2 races could find a way to get along peacefully, does it? E.T. presents a very sensible idea of a human meeting an alien from another world, and they grow to love each other like brothers.

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