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Dynamic and Static model of the globes


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Static and Dynamic models of the globe www.mammoths.narod.ru


# Space Оdyssey planets includes: stage I - when the Earth was many millions years in System of planets of other Galaxy, stages II, III, IV - when the Earth appeared in Solar system; appearance into an orbit of the Sun was accompanied by global tectonic changes, thus there were hills and Atlantic ocean, the volume and a geographical kind of a planet has changed; the attitude of weights (Ms / magma) and the areas of continental parts in polar circles have caused the beginning of processes of the new natural phenomenon which essence consist that redistribution of weights between equatorial and polar zones terminated in turn Ms in an equatorial plane. Turn Ms there and back in limits (~ 20o) occurred for various time intervals, during III stage (~ 800 thousand years) has proceeded (10 cycles) this natural phenomenon; That fact, that after passive heating a planet during II stage in an environment of a planet have started to burn out active fragments (which burn out and now) - has caused occurrence of separate mountain tops with volcanoes, last turn Ms on a site of the schedule (a - b) was accompanied by eruption of a volcano in the basis of an ice dome of Antarctica - as consequence in a point (b1) the level of Ocean has reached an extraordinary point - so began IV stage; in time (b1-b11) the level of Ocean has gone down on (15 m), further (some thousand years) on a site of the schedule (b11 - c) the thermal stream of bowels stabilizes weight of an ice dome and a present level of Ocean


# Specificity of geographical changes accordingly stages: II - a difference of speeds at appearance into an orbit of the Sun has practically fused all planet, ellipsoid magmas has caused various thickness of an environment of a planet (Ms) in polar and to an equatorial zone, discrepancy of volumes (Ms / magma) has terminated in a break of Continent, thus there were hills in Asia, later (30-50 days) was formed Atlantic ocean and a hills in South America, volume of hills in Asia allows to define in what limits the radius of a planet has changed, the Static model of the globe shows, that hills in Asia and South America have arisen at stationary position Ms when under a line of equator there were territories of such countries as Bolivia and Burma; III - the stage began at stationary position Ms - thus on a site of the schedule of type (f1 - f) the level of Ocean changed from max up to min marks in time (~ 70 thousand years), then turn Ms on a site of type (f - e) followed, at non-stationary position Ms on a site of the schedule of type (e - d) the level of Ocean (for decades) reached max a mark and Ms on a site of the schedule of type (d – a1) again came back in a stationary position - so have proceeded


(9 cycles) this natural phenomenon, but on last site of the schedule (a - b) thermal process has changed thickness and weight of an environment of a planet in a zone of the Southern polar circle and last turn Ms in a non-stationary position was accompanied by eruption of a volcano in Antarctica, and the thermal stream of bowels for the first time for (~ 800 thousand years) has fixed Ms in a non-stationary position at an extraordinary level of Ocean




# So, during II stage the volume and a geographical kind of a planet has changed, during III stage the attitude continuously changed


(a land / ocean) in limits max and min marks of Ocean, thus base weight of an ice dome in the Southern polar circle made (~70 million км3) - hence, max the mark of a level of Ocean during III stage in comparison with a present mark is almost on hundred-meter depth; that fact, that a level of Ocean has reached an extraordinary point in a point (b1) proves explosive character of destruction of an ice dome in the Southern polar circle as consequence in circulation waters on a planet appeared also for the first time (from the moment of occurrence of the Earth in Solar system) unprecedented before quantity of water in a point (b1), later (5 thousand years) on a site of the schedule (b1-b11) has gone down and on a site of the schedule (b11 - c) - the thermal stream of bowels has fixed a present level of Ocean and abnormal weight of an ice dome of Antarctica; From here follows, the Dynamic model of the globe (at presence of the software) allows to show all spectrum of geographical changes during following stages II, III, IV, the Static model of the globe shows total consequences of changes in time above the listed stages, and also a geographical situation on a planet only in time (b11 – c)


# the Dynamic model of the globe has proved: why during II stage the volume and a geographical kind of a planet has sharply changed; why during III stage the level of Ocean in limits max and min marks continuously changed, why the final phase of this stage has terminated in not ordinary rise of a level of Ocean in a point (b1); why during IV stage the level of Ocean has gone down on a site of the schedule (b1 – b11) and why the last some thousand years on a site of the schedule (b11 - c) do not vary a geographical kind of a planet, that fact, that the thermal stream of bowels has not reached apogee, means, that geographical changes in a final phase of IV stage - still ahead


# DM has proved the reason of mass destruction of kinds of fauna and mega faunae during II stage, the reason of mass destruction of various kinds of fauna during III stage only in a zone (h3), and also why these remains were kept till now, that has allowed scientists to reproduce as looked vegetative and fauna of a planet of all (800 thousand years) back, from here follows, that the civilization of System of planets could create kinds of plants and insects, kinds of the animal various sizes lived on land and at Ocean in all climatic zones - thus hypotheses about millions years, about stone axes and Neanderthal men are absurd and insolvent; and if the Dynamic model of the globe obliges to change in the cardinal image practical activities of a present civilization the Static model at all does not put any problems, and it quite suits first of all army of censors - which do not wish and to hear about DM


In a context with a site www.mammoths.50megs.com


Kherson XI – 2011 Savvov










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Not entirely sure what you (or your website) are trying to say


I think the gist is that the planet is only about 1 million years old


What makes you say this?


I noticed this:


"otherwise for millions years the planet would be filled up with skeletons"


on your website, it made me laugh.


Surely you don't think that it is even possible to fill the planet up with the bones of the dead creatures of the ages?



You also say that "DM proves this.... and DM proves that..."


How? where?

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Moderator Note

Moved to speculations. Also a duplicate, but the older copy was deleted because there were were no responses to it. One thread per topic, please.

to Tres Juicy - a theme the Dynamic model of the globe has proved chronology of changes on a planet from the moment of occurrence of the Earth with Solar system,


DM - has proved: why there was a mass destruction of kinds mega faunae, and also where is concrete - during II stage, why process (a - b) also


It was repeatedly accompanied by mass destruction of animal various kinds - during III stage and only in a zone (h " '), DM - also has proved why these remains


were kept till now and now skeletons of these huge animals are exposed in museums of many countries. DM - also has proved, that these huge animals of all about one million years were alive. DM - has theoretically proved where it is necessary to search remains of animals, but the practical party of this problem


much more difficultly also demands huge expenses of time and money, and therefore there is a simple decision of this problem-I do not like thee Dr. Fell, the reason why I cannot tell, I do not like thee Dr. Fell


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cofu, I appreciate the difficulties you are having working in a foreign language, but you are misusing the word prove.


If DM has proved the things you say it has then you would be able to show , in detail, how the evidence leads to that conclusion and only that conclusion. More than this you wold be able to show that other researchers had been able to duplicate your observations and reach the same conclusions. You have not done any of this. You are simply making statements without any justificaiton. That is not science.

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