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All atoms of noble gases have their outermost shells completely filled ...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Huh?I thought that helium has only two electrons,not 8(duplet).However,it still got full electron shells because the the s shell only requires two to be full.Btw, sodium does not require an electron to complete its outer shell.It needs 7.(highly unlikely).Therefore,it donates the outer electron.The shell beneath is already an octet.Hence it have an electrovalency of +1(excess of 1 electron)This is its normal electrovalency.it tends to lose the excess electron,

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right, helium has 2 electrons. it is the one exception.



sodium actually requires one electron to complete its outer shell because its outer shell is an s. thats why you dont see Na-7 anions in solution with liquid anhydrous ammonia. it loses its electron because of our lovely equation:



n=valance electrons

c=formal valance charge on atom. is positive or negative depending on polarity of charge.

r=covalent radius

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Yep.Correct.Sodium is hard to form a +7 anion because the orbital created will be at all higher energy level(ie:not stable).Similiarly,helium is monoatomic because the teorically He2 moelcule will have two bonding electrons and two anti bonding electrons at different sigma orbitals,cancelling each other out.A He2 +1 molecule is possible though.Upper obital(up electron)Lower obital(up+down electron)It will be stable molecularly but now electically.(its positive)

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There is one more characteristic of the Noble gasses that seems to have not been mentioned. The Noble gasses are that way because not only are their outer shells filled, but they're neutral at the same time. So what you have is happy little atoms who are not very sociable with the rest of the atomic world.


My highschool teacher would refer to atoms with their outer shells full as happy. :)

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There is one more characteristic of the Noble gasses that seems to have not been mentioned. The Noble gasses are that way because not only are their outer shells filled, but they're neutral at the same time. So what you have is happy little atoms who are not very sociable with the rest of the atomic world.


My highschool teacher would refer to atoms with their outer shells full as happy. :)

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