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Theory of Hierarchy ladder of all existence

Dean Mullen

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Based on the concept of the Multiverse which contains an infinite number of universe, it is imaginable that there maybe a multi-multiverse or to make things simple an M2V where two represents the number of multi's in the world which contains an infinite number of multiverses and onto M3V containing an infinite number of M2V's and all the way onto MInfinityV. The MV contains laws of physics, which vary per universe and the M2V contains laws of laws of physics which vary per MV and onto M3V contains laws of laws of laws of physics which vary per M2V.


So for e.g.


Each Universe: Different speed of light

Each Multiverse: statement that speed & light exist


and so on.


But the key varies for us would be mathematics


Each Universe: Different properties of adding, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Each Multiverse: Different forms of NAEMHS (Numerological Acting Entities of Mathematical Hierarchy Systems) (so adding, subtraction, multiplication & division is unique to our multiverse)

Each M2V: Different numbers (so our level of numbers is on one line from -infinity to infinity and all in between yet, each M2V have their own number line each infinitely different than the other)

Each M3V: Different forms of calculation (so our ways of calculating using numbers is unique to our M3V)

Each M4V: Different forms of understanding (so our ways of understanding is unique to our M4V)

Each M5V: Different forms of X (There is nothing to say about this realm because nothing of what it contains exists in our world so it is literally impossible for us to understand what has no properties of the world we live in)


Yet in M3V and onward numbers do not exist so calling it by number is incorrect so I only use the numbers to make it simple yet in truth, it contains no numbers, no size, no concepts that we can tie our knowledge of the world to.


Even though this theory sounds irrational, it is not impossible as the concept existence comes to an end is more irrational and we can look at the works of Georg Kantor to see how just as there is a hierarchy of infinities in maths there can be too in nature and there can be an end to infinity and a beginning of bigger infinity's, some infinity's, a whole infinite step above the previous, so based on that concept you could imagine it existing in nature.

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Multiple planes of existence wouldn't arise from conceivably itself. There might be a chance of other planes of existence because all matter is waves. They are waves of existence which extend indefinitely to every possible point. What the means though, is only the position of matter as well as some properties such as the specific charge and spin and etc of specific particles varies. Even at this point though, there is no possible way of telling if there are other planes because whenever matter is observed or measured in any way, the property of being a wave of possibilities becomes determined and therefore only assumes a single point. It's possible what matter is determined from infinite points of view, making all universes different patterns of the same matter, and wherever matter specifically is in one plane of existence, it can't be in another (or the existence of a particle would overlap itself and cancel out), thus making every plane of existance different.



The physics of every plane of existence would not be different, it would be the same. It's just that there would be different positions and quantized values for properties of particles since everything would still be from the same matter which follows specific physics and has specific values.

Edited by steevey
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