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The [potentially near] future. Also my suggestion for saving the bees maybe.


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Okay...Topic theme: Suggestions for the future, predictions of the future and hopes for the future.




1. (Near[ish?] future) Currently there is a bee shortage. Bees are awesome and necessary. Farms [growing crops] need them. My idea is to combine apiaries with farms/orchards. This would provide farms with another means of income. They would also have their fields pollinated. These apiaries would be situated near or in the fields that need pollination. I doubt all farms would do this. I wouldn't like all farms to do this either. I just don't see why agriculture and apiculture have yet to combine. This would provide more reason to keep bees alive.


2. Greenhouses. We use them. We also kinda need them but there just isn't enough space for them. A person somewhere [don't remember who] suggest a vertical greenhouse. He went as far as turning them into farms inside skyscrapers that could be situated inside cities themselves. This just isn't feasible right now. Currently they are only in designing stage so I suggest a more simple vertical greenhouse designed that could be easily built in the near future. It would be unlikely to contain animals. It is rather similar to ones that exist now. Instead of multiple stories this would just be 2 or 3. Below are some [very] simple diagrams:




So basically a normal greenhouse with 2 floors and some stairs letting you go up. The 2nd floor would most probably be held up with supporting metal poles. Level 1 would most likely hold the stronger greenhouse/house plants. [As the second floor would block out some of the light.] Level 1 may need some sort of system of mirrors to direct light inside or some system of light might need to be used. Perhaps it won't need any means of helping light reach it. Level 2's floor would be transparent anyway so the plants up there would be the only things stopping light getting below.


3. Something like the European Union but for the entire planet.




The IBM smarter city. [ibm.com/thesmartercity/uk]




Global climate is stopped and doesn't kill us. Endangered animals are saved. People in countries with high birth rates lower them...this planet is too full of humans. I can't go anywhere without seeing a human.

No more war.

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