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Explain this simple sentence (no science required)


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"Cereals provide 25-60 % of total protein intake"


Don't be harsh on me but I'm bit confused by this sentence. Does this mean that if your total protein intake is X. Eating like 100 g of cereals provide 25-60% of that. Thanks :) So if I eat more can I make it 100 percent.

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I understand your confusion! I would read it as different people have a mixture of protein and other nutrients the ratio of which is unspecified. If you isolate the proportion of intake that is protein you will find 25 - 60 percent of that will be provided by cereals. I'm sure there are other interpretations! Best of luck

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Maybe, but "protein" is not what your body actually needs. It's the amino acids that proteins are made from. There's 20 different ones, although your body can make most of them. However, some your body cannot make, and no matter how much of the other amino acids you eat (ie protein), if it is lacking in one of the essential amino acids then it won't suffice. As I understand it most of us get plenty of protein anyways.

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"Cereals provide 25-60 % of total protein intake"

It means that of the proteins you eat, 25 to 60% come from the grains you eat, although the 60% figure might refer to vegetarian diets.


To continue with what Mr Skeptic said, it's not exactly a matter of needing enough protein, it's a matter of needing enough of each amino acid. Proteins are chains of amino acids too big for your body to absorb, and you really wouldn't want those foreign proteins floating around your body doing who knows what. So your digestive system disassembles proteins into their (harmless) amino acid components, and then absorbs and uses them. Humans cannot manufacture some amino acids, so these amino acids are an essential part of one's diet. They're called essential amino acids. :doh: Vegans need to ensure that their all-vegetable diet contain sufficient amounts of these essential amino acids. (IMO, humans are supposed to eat meat.)

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Well with regards to essential amino acids, humans have lost the ability to synthesize roughly half of all amino acids. Also note that some essential amino acids can be synthesized but not in sufficient amounts (and have to be part of the diet).

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