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Hurricanes !


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In the last few days a tropical depression formed just a few miles off shore where I live. Rather early for that to have happened, I live in a place where hurricanes for just off shore often. most time you think of hurricanes forming in the tropics but here in NC they can form just off shore and do so regularly. we get northeasters as bad as cat 1 hurricanes in the winter as well.


We usually average a major storm every three years but we haven't had one in 7 years now, only tropical storms and cat one storms since then. I've been through a cat 3 several cat 1 and several cat 2 as well. Does anyone else live where hurricanes are regular occurrences?


From a purely anecdotal perspective I'd say major storms are not as common in recent years but smaller storms are more common, any one agree or disagree?


Any hurricane stories to tell? I have one...


A family that lived close to me during hurricane Floyd reported that during the hurricane they heard a loud banging on their back door, it went on and on so they peaked out to see what was banging on the door. an alligator about 8 feet long was trying to get in the door! I guess the storm was too much for him and he wanted shelter!

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