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Thomas Wood

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I am lucky enough to be going to live in a foreign country for 6 months and have realised I have been recommended to take about 6 different vaccinations. Though when I looked for some information (google) about vaccinations I found out there are some worrying ingredients inside them

e.g formaldehyde (carcinogen), polysorbates (affect fertility) and heavy metals.


This is a site with a table of vaccinations and their contents:



Does anyone know any reliable sources (not government/conspiracy) that will help me decide if I should have them?

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you'll have a greater concentration of formaldehyde in your system after a night of heavy drinking than you'd get from a vaccine.


put simply, do you

A/ inject a cocktail of chemicals that will have little if any risk due to low concentration and one off exposure.


B/ risk potentially life threatening and/or permanently crippling diseases.


also, that site you linked to rates baking soda as a chemical hazard.

and links to material safety data sheets(MSDS).


the average person would run a mile from anything after reading a MSDS, they are notorious for appearing to overestimate risks drastically. examples include respirators gloves and goggles for handling table salt, gloves and goggles for water and IIRC you should avoid the inhalation of oxygen according to them.


of course, these precautions are silly in normal day-to-day use of such chemicals but they can be appropriate under certain conditions which the MSDS doesn't list.

salt can cause skin,eye and lung irritation if you are handling it constantly(say working in a salt mine)

long and constant exposure to water can cause your skin to rot and damage your eyes(but this is uncommon even among divers as it takes days of this without being dried off inbetween)

and oxygen is quite toxic at higher concentrations than atmospheric and can potentially kill you in hours.


vaccines are safe, if they weren't we would have noticed since they have been in use for over a century.

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I found out there are some worrying ingredients inside them

e.g formaldehyde (carcinogen), polysorbates (affect fertility) and heavy metals.


Watch out, the water you drink may contain poisonous heavy metals in trace amounts too! Does that mean you should stop drinking water? Hell no.


The material doesn't matter... it's the quantity you ingest. These "ingredients" are not present in sufficient concentrations to cause harm.

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the average person would run a mile from anything after reading a MSDS, they are notorious for appearing to overestimate risks drastically. examples include respirators gloves and goggles for handling table salt, gloves and goggles for water and IIRC you should avoid the inhalation of oxygen according to them.




MSDS Number: S3338

Chemical Formula: NaCl




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