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No Dream Ticket for Dems


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Looks like Hillary is no longer in the running for Obama's running mate.




Probably for the best. She just turns off too many voters.


I think there may be more bad blood between Obama and Clinton than we were lead to believe. It's interesting that Bill Richardson, who seems to no longer be generating any veep buzz, is holding a fund raiser to help Hillary pay off her debts (something Obama has conspicuously avoided). It's especially interesting given that James Carville accused Richardson of betrayal when he endorsed Obama after dropping out of the race himself. The fundraiser has a scent of "forgive me, I'm not like that guy" about it.


Anybody wanna refresh their veep picks?

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It's interesting that Bill Richardson, who seems to no longer be generating any veep buzz, is holding a fund raiser to help Hillary pay off her debts (something Obama has conspicuously avoided).


I don't think there's anything conspicuous about it. He's too busy right now trying to raise money for himself, to actually win the election and not pay debts from a failed candidacy.



As for Clinton dropping out of the possible picks, I never really thought she was in the running anyway. Most of that talk IMO was to calm the venom from her most steadfast supporters. It will be interesting to see where they place their support now that it's official she's not an option.


As a speculative aside... I think this may simply be a pre-emptive release of information to calm the waters before he actually makes a pick, likely very soon. Knowing that there would be mass uproar if he chose someone other than Clinton, it is best to get that information out first, let the rabid dogs do their attacking, then... once things have calmed, you announce the pick and focus is paid more to "who that is" and "what they can do" instead of "why wasn't it Hillary."

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I think we had a thread on that earlier. It presents a quandary for planners, because you cannot have the last Democratic president NOT speak at the convention. But you need Hillary to introduce Obama for appearances reasons, and you can't have Bill speak before Hillary because that's not appropriate to their respective levels of achievement. And you can't have Bill speak on any other night because that would reduce his stature as well.


As I understand it, that's one of the reasons the schedule hasn't been published yet. They're still trying to figure the problem out.

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Hillary as VP is anything but my dream ticket, and I think it's a ticket that would be more likely to alienate moderate voters who view Hillary as something of a harpy.


That said, I hope it's not Tim "LIEBERMAN 4 PREZ" Kaine... although he might appeal more to moderates than some of the alternatives.

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Hillary would make either of the tickets to be more of a nightmare than we're destined for already. I still think we need to call a misdeal and look for some genuine Presidential material on both sides. I'm not happy with the ma vs pa election at all.

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I think the love fest between Hillary and Obama was just a front. I believe they still dislike each other and Hillary never really considered being VP just as Obama never really though of putting her on the ticket.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Looks like Hillary is no longer in the running for Obama's running mate.


As you've probably seen, the McCain campaign has released an ad trying to sway Hillary voters to his side.




However, Hillary has responded (good for her, too!)





Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton issued a call for unity as the Democrats prepared to kick off their national convention this evening with a full slate of speakers who will sell Sen. Barack Obama to a national primetime audience.


In her first appearance this week, Clinton, the runner-up to Obama in a protracted, hard fought presidential primary, addressed the New York delegation at a breakfast this morning. But while supporters waved signs declaring "Hillary Made History," Clinton's focus was on the future.


"We were not all on the same side as Democrats, but we are now," she said. "We are united and we are together and we are determined."


Clinton is expected to release her delegates to Obama on Wednesday, a symbolic gesture that reduces prospects of major disruptions when the roll is called to nominate the Illinois senator.




Speaking to reporters by conference call this morning, Obama campaign officials angrily decried press coverage of discontent between the Obama and Clinton camps, reiterating a joint statement released last night by Clinton aide Maggie Williams and Obama adviser David Axelrod that disputed reports of friction.


Obama adviser Anita Dunn said Clinton campaign aides have been "wonderful partners" in convention planning. She said talk of discontent is coming from "people on the periphery," not "people that matter."


She also dismissed a new attack ad from John McCain featuring a Clinton delegate from Wisconsin as a "video press release" that would air no more than three or four times before the next ad is released.


"It's a video stunt to promote a story line which simply isn't true," she said. (Watch Clinton's reaction to the ad.)


The ad features Wisconsin delegate Debra Bartoshevich declaring herself "a proud Hillary Clinton Democrat" who for the first time is supporting a Republican, McCain.


"A lot of Democrats will vote McCain," she says. "It's OK, really."


Clinton repudiated the ad in her appearance before the New York delegation. "I'm Hillary Clinton, and I do not approve that message," she quipped.

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