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GOP Follows Dems in Disenfranchising Voters in Key States


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The Republican Party is following the lead of national Democrats in disenfranchising voters in several states that have tried to move their primaries ahead of those in Holy and Sacred Iowa and New Hampshire. The GOP approach is a bit different -- removing half the delegates of the offending states. But the effect is the same, returning control to the Holy and Sacred States of Iowa and New Hampshire.


Meanwhile the story continues to go vastly under-reported in the press, which has a vested interest in the matter, benefitting tremendously from the drama of having these two states determine the candidates for everyone else.

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New Hampshire being the first primary is a matter of law, so I don't think they need to worry too much. Still, right concernin'.


I'm wondering who in the party apparati are making these decisions. It seems like that could be a good way to engineer which candidate will win the nomination.

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I would like the offending states to continue with their plans. I realize it's silly to keep incrementally pushing up the primary dates, but until New Hampshire and Iowa are "shown up", they're never going to stop determining our candidates for us. Well, and even then, they still might.

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Odd. What exactly does that law state?


It is a state law which stipulates that New Hampshire's is to be the first primary in the nation, and that if any other states move their primary before New Hampshire's, New Hampshire must move its. I think they've had to do it once.


Just a note: Iowa doesn't actually hold a primary. It's the site of the first party caucuses.

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It is a state law which stipulates that New Hampshire's is to be the first primary in the nation, and that if any other states move their primary before New Hampshire's, New Hampshire must move its. I think they've had to do it once.


Just a note: Iowa doesn't actually hold a primary. It's the site of the first party caucuses.


Hmmm, so since Florida moved their date up (I forgot who the other one was Michigan maybe?), by law, New Hampshire must move theirs up.......

......so does New Hampshire also get penalized (they all wobble and fall down)?

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Hmmm, so since Florida moved their date up (I forgot who the other one was Michigan maybe?), by law, New Hampshire must move theirs up.......

......so does New Hampshire also get penalized (they all wobble and fall down)?


According to the article, New Hampshire is included in being penalized. What I find interesting is that it was a unanimous vote to exercise the penalties, so apparently there's no representation for them in the RNC. Maybe that's to be expected, but I think a showdown is in order.

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According to the article, New Hampshire is included in being penalized. What I find interesting is that it was a unanimous vote to exercise the penalties, so apparently there's no representation for them in the RNC. Maybe that's to be expected, but I think a showdown is in order.


Thanks. I finally got a chance to read it....I didn't realize it was going to be so short....


I see now. Well, hopefully this will really blow up and both the DNC and RNC will be forced to release their hostages (us).

Sometimes, the best you can hope for is chaos. Entropy rules any way.

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