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what's next?

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I must confess, I looked the numbers up and found a puzzle website.


That was their answer.


Very :embarass: now..


Igosaur, where on earth did you get that from?


It's easily [hide]312211[/hide] this has come up here quite a few times now.

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i don't think that would justify the positions of the numbers...


Igosaur, where on earth did you get that from?


It's easily [hide]312211[/hide] this has come up here quite a few times now.


you got it correctly but i didn't know it has come up here already. :doh: oh, well...

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Lol, this one is actually easy : just read the numbers out loud :)


First Line : You have One One = Second Line

Second Line : You have Two Ones = Third Line

Third Line : You have One Two and One One = 4th Line

4th Line : You have One One and One Two and Two Ones = 5th Line

5th Line = You have Three Ones, Two Two's and One One


so the next line is 312211

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I hate these sort of puzzles. Any rule which correctly matches the presented numbers provide a valid answer, but there are always multiple rules which supply the same presented numbers but diverge once you get beyond them. But you are always required to get inside the twisted little mind of the guy who set the problem and present the answer that he thought of, even if another is more logical.


For example, following Igosaur's lead, I could ask for the next number in the series:









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