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Imus Leading us to Censorship?


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Bascule, as far as Dr. Phil "using" this moment, he's not using it for personal gain; he is using it to make what he perceives to be a personal point. That's just the way it works. When terrorists blow up buildings we talk about terrorism. When trains run off a track, we talk about train safety. Here we are searching for answers. This search shouldn't eclipse the suffering of the VT students, but it has a place.


It's not like every shiny shoe politician out there isn't capitalizing off of this with thier cliche "our hearts and prayers are with the families of the victims". Can't someone write a line that's at least a little different? Maybe change the order of the words around or something? At least sound like they're actually concerned, instead of addressing it out of PC obligation.


So, I have more respect for Phil who actually has something to say, a real thought - his own thought. I believe he actually gives a shit. Even if he is wrong. I can't say the same for Hillary and GWB...

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I don't see anyone reasonable watching the first five mintues of saving private ryan and thinking war itself is glorified.


I don't see any reasonable person watching or playing any game and then act it out in reality either.



You seem to assume we can't reason to differences between these causes and this psychopath.


WE can, but maybe the psychopath cannot.



To me the main thing preventable was this guy getting guns. He should not have been able to legally get guns. Next step would be to eliminate guns altogether, but that seems almost impossible. If keeping a gun out of the hands dangerous people seems impossible, how can we keep IDEAS out of their minds?

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I don't see any reasonable person watching or playing any game and then act it out in reality either.


These guys thrum on power. I don't see anyone experiencing Saving Private Ryan as some kind of juvenile power trip.


I agree that reasonable persons playing "any" game, won't act it out but video games are increasingly immersive and addictive. Again, I think they are rightfully protected by the first amendment BUT that doesn't mean they are immune from criticism if they immerse young people in carnage.


To me the main thing preventable was this guy getting guns. He should not have been able to legally get guns. Next step would be to eliminate guns altogether, but that seems almost impossible. If keeping a gun out of the hands dangerous people seems impossible, how can we keep IDEAS out of their minds?


Let's start by fairly summarizing Dr. McGraw's argument: Video games don't just communicate the idea of violence. History books do that. Video games are going to increasingly immerse young people in alternate realities (e.g. World of Warcraft with 8MM addicts and climbing) where a virtual existence means more than real world performance. Even non-psychopaths can react negatively to these games - flunking out, neglecting wives and jobs, etc.


For the psychopath, I can imagine it would be validating to the worst impusles (and that's all I can do not being an expert in the field) being able to go to a mainstream store and pay $49.99 to buy a popular game in which the objective is to kill people, not evil monsters, and not in a wartime setting, but as a hitman or as a vampire.


To pretend that can have no effect, or to say the effect is mere "speculation" seems to me a form of denial.


Again, I'm not advocating censorship and I don't think we can dumb down society for fear that a segment will latch onto unhealthy entertainment for the masses and go postal. However, there is nothing at all wrong with calling those who profit from such games to task and, in my case, even being a bit introspective about what I play.


I'm ambivalent about gun control. I think there are liberty issues at play in taking away the ability to defend a home with a gun. I don't see it being completely effectve. Waiting periods, restriction of automatic clips, etc, are all fair game as far as I'm concerned.

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It's not like every shiny shoe politician out there isn't capitalizing off of this with thier cliche "our hearts and prayers are with the families of the victims". Can't someone write a line that's at least a little different? Maybe change the order of the words around or something? At least sound like they're actually concerned, instead of addressing it out of PC obligation.


So, I have more respect for Phil who actually has something to say, a real thought - his own thought. I believe he actually gives a shit. Even if he is wrong. I can't say the same for Hillary and GWB...


That's my take too Para. He's not try to make a buck or win votes but to positively influence the culture. Agree with him or not, he shouldn't be roasted alive by gamers for daring to tread on their sacred virtual ground.

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