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just a thought

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:P just a thought. when we talk about evolution we are saying that different forms evolved ( usually from one to another which is better adapted) by accumilating mutations because of various environmental stressors etc . now my question is if that is the case then why do we still see single celled life. why do we see apes, they should all have adapted to the environment and tried to change into humans right ?
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tried to change into humans right ?

For a start this is an assumption that Humans are the best adapted organisms around for every environemtn. This is not the case. Fish do not need complex and bulky equipment to live in water, hamans can not do this at all. Ther are single celled organisms that live in environments that are absolutly toxic to humans. They live near undersea "Black Smokers" volcanic vents wher the temperature of the water would scald a human to death in seconds, not to mention the pressures that would crush us in an instant.


There are many different environments on Earth, many of them are created by other animals (we have more single celled organisms in our guts then we have of our own cells in our bodies). So not all environments are suitable for humans, and humans require other organisms to survive (and these require other, etc) even other organisms require humans to survive. We are all a part of one big and complex web of interrelationships.


Humans are not the "be all and end all" of evolution, we are just one organism that is slightly more inteligent than others (and the way many humans act I'm not so sure of that either :P:D ). We are not the pinacle of evolution, we are not even a stop on the way to the pinacle of evolution. We are just good at what we do (have our offspring live long enough to reproduce).


now my question is if that is the case then why do we still see single celled life. why do we see apes, they should all have adapted to the environment

The fact is they are addapeted to their environment. How long would you survive living as an Ape does, or try living as a Lion would, or any other animal of your choice.


We tend to place Human evolution on a pedistal, but that is only the result of bias (we are all human after all).

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