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Est-ce que le culte relativiste est criminel?


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Einstein et les autres inities ont toujours su, a l'exception peut-etre d'une courte periode apres 1905, que le second postulat (de la constance de la vitesse de la lumiere) est faux. Par consequent, pendant que les nombreux zombies belliqueux ruinaient la vie de chacun mettant en question la verite du second postulat, les inities developpaient une strategie alternative intitulee "Relativite sans c". Cette strategie, en combinaison avec la strategie traditionnelle defendue par les zombies et intitulee "Relativite avec c", a finalement forme la strategie globale intitulee "Relativite pour toujours". Trois exemples illustrant la strategie "Relativite sans c":


1. A. Einstein, "La Relativite", Chapitre 22.


2. L'initie Tom Roberts, sur sci.physics.relativity:


Tom Roberts wrote:

> Pentcho Valev wrote:



> Sure, depending on the physical conditions of the measurement. It can

> also be less than "300000 km/s" (by which I assume you really mean the

> standard value for c). And this can happen even for an accelerated

> observer in a region without any significant gravitation (e.g. in

> Minkowski spacetime).

> GR predicts that measurements of the speed of light in a

> locally-inertial frame using standard clocks and rulers will always

> obtain the value c (to within the accuracy that the local frame is

> inertial). But if you use non-standard rulers or clocks, or measure over

> a non-local distance, or in a non-inertial frame, then you can obtain a

> different value; perhaps wildly different. For instance, in an

> accelerated rocketship in Minkowski spacetime one could measure an

> infinite value for the speed of light; or a zero value, or even crazier

> values....

> Tom Roberts tjroberts@lucent.com


3. "Relativite sans c", p. 35 dans http://www.courses.fas.harvard.edu/~phys16/Textbook/ch10.pdf . Evidemment, "Relativite sans c" n'est que les transformations de Galilee (p. 37), mais le lecteur est force a croire que des equations avec la meme forme que les equations de Lorentz (les equations 10.71 a la p. 36) sont toujours indispensables. Et comme elles sont indispensables, le succes de la strategie globale "Relativite pour toujours" est garanti.


Pentcho Valev

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I'm just translating this post (Pentcho's) for the other poor souls on the forum who might need a translation. If i screw this one up, i'm sorry :P I hope it's not so bad and that it delivers the general gist across. Hey, Pentcho: really interesting topic you brought up. I don't quite understand it all, the relativity w/out c and stuff. Quite new to me. If i come to understand it, sooner or later, i'll get back. And when you say "relativitie pour toujours", is that infinite relativity? Just wondering. K, have fun. Hope this translation is right and that it helps you guys out. A bientot! (w/out the accents needed :P)


Is the relativist cult a criminal?


Einstein and the other insiders have always known, with maybe the exception of a short period after 1905,that the second postulate (the speed of light constant) is false."

Consequently, while the numerous quarrelsome zombies ruined their lives questioning the truth of the second postulate, the insiders developed an alternative theory titled 'Relativity w/out c'. This theory, combined w/ the traditional strategy defended by the zombies and titled 'relativity w/ c', had finally formed a global thoery titled 'infinite relativity’.

Three example illustrate the strategy 'relativity w/out c’:

1) Einstein 'relativity' chapter 22

2) The insight of Tom Roberts on sci.physics.relativity




> Sure, depending on the physical conditions of the measurement. It can

> also be less than "300000 km/s" (by which I assume you really mean the

> standard value for c). And this can happen even for an accelerated

> observer in a region without any significant gravitation (e.g. in

> Minkowski spacetime).

> GR predicts that measurements of the speed of light in a

> locally-inertial frame using standard clocks and rulers will always

> obtain the value c (to within the accuracy that the local frame is

> inertial). But if you use non-standard rulers or clocks, or measure over

> a non-local distance, or in a non-inertial frame, then you can obtain a

> different value; perhaps wildly different. For instance, in an

> accelerated rocketship in Minkowski spacetime one could measure an

> infinite value for the speed of light; or a zero value, or even crazier

> values....

> Tom Roberts tjroberts@lucent.com


3) 'Relativity w/out c', p.35 in http://www.courses.fas.harvard.edu/~...tbook/ch10.pdf . Evidently, 'Relativity w/out c' is nothing more than the Galilean transformations (p.37), but the reader is led to believe that such equations w/ the same form as those of Lorentz (the equations 10.71 on p.36) are always indispensable. And as they are indispensable, the success of the global theory ‘infinite relativity is guaranteed."

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