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Pressure of space/quantum field

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I had a question today as a part of my studies which was 1) If space is ever expanding what is the pressure on the creating space (universe) upon creation and 2) at what rate might you assume the quantum field is also being created and is it being affected by this pressure of creation. This is of course all theoretical and asking for what may lead you to create equations with principal. 

Personally I sometime like to think as the universe ever expands and brings in reality its also very similar to a computer game in which a player travels through areas of a map waiting for it to load upon entering. 

Edited by Joshcitylife
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Use the equation of state for a scalar field. The FLRW metric version is a good starting point.


We already have equations to describe vacuum fluctuations with a pressure term see link. Under GR the stress energy momentum tensor has the pressure terms. This will correspond to how pressure is handled under QFT 


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