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Posts posted by ADreamIveDreamt

  1. Life is not too complex,people just think way too much.


    If this life we live was meant to stay here forever, we could know everything because then everything would be important and as it is not.We are only meant to learn/understand/KNOW what is only important here/now.


    Anyone can know the Truth,as the Truth will set anyone Free.




    This has already been proven by very intelligent minds many moons ago...

  2. The word secret has a lot of different meanings to it and knOWLedge can never be destroyed,therefor,it seems that it's always fear added with a little bit of knowledge mixed with confusion "can cause the animal to be put down."


    If a person earned/gained his own Knowledge,what would that person have to fear?


    The Bene Gesserit 'Litany Against Fear'

    I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
  3. You can have 100 numbers but can learn all 100 just from 10,that is basically how that all came to be by Understanding Numbers.

    You can also have a Skull and build an entire Human body from just that...


    I would not use the word autopilot because you would indeed need assistance from a person,as you are not a machine.

  4. Philosophy is seeking for the Truth and only the Truth of something,to find all points of views from something and from all points of view opens a door of Truth at its core.(Like in the movie The Matrix where they have all them T.V's setup and it looks at the one in the center...) Its from the Love of Wisdom



  5. I wonder if them WMDs in Syria came from Saddam...

    If it's as simple as "good vs bad" why no invasion of Uganda or the Congo?


    The more people whom are willing to expose the Evil to the World,the more the World will rid the Evil from growing,the problem is,no one seems to be willing to want to expose that Evil that is growing.

  6. Saddam Hussein needed to go then and Bashard Assad needs to go now.America wouldn't need to be involved in any War if that side of the World wasn't afraid of the Evil that grows there,the Evil they harbor, instead of exposing and help trying to prevent it from growing,I'm sick of hearing about how America needs to stop with the Wars when in fact,we are the only ones who seem to care...


    If that side of the world wants "US" to stop with the Wars, why don't they stop the Evil from growing to this point?


    It is Good versus Bad and I am positive we are not the Bad.

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