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Status Replies posted by PureGenius

  1. Einstien could see beyond what is visible or obvious it's called intelligent intuition.,

  2. Time is energy , under magnetic influence...

    1. PureGenius


      I'm not sure the world is ready for what I've figured out.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. Time is energy , under magnetic influence...

    1. PureGenius


      Lol I didn't think anyone really read my stuff , I'm actually working on some very interesting math . Not advanced like yours but nonetheless I'm getting some good results.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. Time is energy , under magnetic influence...

    1. PureGenius


      Ok that wasn't right time= energy at c which is base time Xs 5 Time is any velocity beyond zero in our universe, up to 186,000 times c.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  5. Time is energy , under magnetic influence...

    1. PureGenius


      Ajb it's actually a direct translation, energy= time according to high velocity relativity !!! Of course it's only a theory.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  6. This morning I feel like someone beat me with a stick, last night was cutting dogs toe nail night, like wrestling greased pigs...

  7. Space is filled with an electrical field this field is generated by our Dualiverses. Supermassive Black Hole...

  8. Has there ever been a speculation thread that was worthwhile?

    1. PureGenius


      It is me pointing out that our knowledge of earths history is seriously lacking and that humans used to be b huge based on some of the structures we've found on earth. My theories are awesome Ajb , you should check them out.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  9. Black holes eventually collapse pulling all matter within their magnetic field into itself.

  10. The universe seeks to be discovered , curiosity drives us to ever higher levels of understanding ..

  11. I do not know very much. I often surprise myself with my ignorance. But this is a good state of mind to be in.

  12. I am Zorro -53 Bad so please be cautious of me.

  13. Imagination is more important than knowledge " Albert Einstien !!!

  14. "Shaken, not stirred" - swansont where did you get that phrase?

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