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Everything posted by heliodromus

  1. Hey fellas, I have a Problem in understanding on how to proof the following: Let Q = {max,f,L} be a NPO-Problem, where f only supports integers. LQ* ={(x0,1k)|there exists x such that L(x0,x) and f(x0,x) >=k} The instance of x0 is binary coded while the numerical parameter k is unary coded. Show that if LQ* is NP-Complete, then there is no full polynomial approximation scheme for Q. Normally I have so sort of idea, but this time I am really stumped I would be grateful if you could show me on how to solve such issues. Sincerely yours heliodromus
  2. Hi, I wonder if someone has a full list of all known vesicle proteins. I especially need the total concentration of all sv proteins. Thanks for your help
  3. Hi there, I might have introduced myself before raising any questions but I guess it is never to late. I am Heliodromus and currently working on my Bachelor degree in computer science. I recently changed my research topic from theoretical computer science to neuroscience, so I am new to many topics in biological and neurochemical education. You might excuse my more or less poor grammar (and spelling) I'm no native.... As Mr Foxface stated I am Glad to be here, too!
  4. Hello folks, I am currently working on a Simulation of the diffusion of Synapsin within the presynaptic terminal. My current problem lies in the dependency factor. I am using a System of PDEs. Does anyone have empirical information on the binding rates of Syn 1 to SVs and actin filaments? I try to make my model as realistic as possible (using FEA and Multigrid Methods). I thought of a sort of "Beta-Function" describing the Binding-Behavior of Synaspin. WhatI found was an old article on the saturation of Synapsin 1 stating that there might be a saturation at 76 +- 40 µg Syn I per ng Vesicle. There is no indication on how the behavior changes when an AP arrives. I am kind of new to this, I used to study computer science, so I would be very grateful if someone could help me out. Sincerely yours Heliodromus
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