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Posts posted by greg1917

  1. I think psychology is going the way of several popular sciences right now, a huge influx of gradutaes into a job market that cant cope.


    Its happened already with geology - there are so many graduates with geology degrees there just isnt a market for them and any jobs there are usually snapped up by people with better qualifications than a degree. If you genuinely enjoy psychology then you should study it, but be aware of the demand for your profession when you graduate.

  2. Can I just take the chance to applaud MrL's patience for being asked exactly the same question repeatedly yet still posting answers?


    The problem here is people cant seem to comprehend mechanics outside the nice, closed newtonian world where everything is wonderful and predictable.


    if you are travelling at 99%c and turn on a torch, the photons from the torch will move away from YOU at c.


    To a person standing still as you shoot past them, the same photons will also appear to be travelling at c.


    For anyone else who happens to be jogging past this absurd scenario at ANY speed, the photons will be travelling at c.


    to accomodate this, crazy things like time dillation and length contraction occur. Well, crazy for a chemist anyway. we like to stick to things like deciding the best solvent sytems for a tricky TLC the next day :P

  3. I see no reason it shouldnt be discussed, but the way the thread is going im beginning to wonder how relevant it is when it can be found in the politics forum.


    In response to the original question I have no problem with gay marriages but find it quite pathetic that the church is appealing to popular culture by becoming more leniant. if it has values it should stick to them. The fact I disagree with said values is irrelevant.

  4. And.. does it have uses? No!


    In what way are you anywhere near qualified to assume (and its only an assumption, unless you're willing to explain the precise intacacies of this exact discovery) that this form of matter has no uses? Based on a sinlge news report (and a yahoo one I might add) you've claimed its pointless. Elaborate or at least explain you're rejection of what looks like an important breakthrough.

  5. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Scientists said on Wednesday they had created a new form of matter and predicted it could help lead to the next generation of superconductors for use in electricity generation, more efficient trains and countless other applications.


    The new matter form is called a fermionic condensate and it is the sixth known form of matter -- after gases, solids, liquids, plasma and a Bose-Einstein condensate, created only in 1995. Yahoo news report

  6. Im very happy living in a country where guns are outlawed and hope it remains so. I remember sitting in a class when the teacher came and had to explain to us what had just happened at Dunblane, listening in disbelief. That was enough for me.

  7. Everyone is thinking right now that when I said that the mother should make the responsible decision that I was say that she should NOT have the abortion.


    Im not. You said responsible decision. If that was not to bring the child into this world, that would be the responsible decision.


    A simple (and to be honest very ineffective) word trick doesnt prove anything.

  8. As soon as I saw what the thread was all about, I was expecting it to ask something along those lines. When asked to think of a vegetable, I had a complete mental blank and struggled to think of a single one. Carrot was indeed the first thing that entered my head.

  9. "Electrons have a tendency to move from one place to another using no time at all"


    Not the electrons I know. they're just normal, law abiding electrons who dont want no trouble. To accuse them of time travel is somewhat improper and I have to ask you take that back, save offending the poor dears.

  10. Don't tell YT but the rest of us mods have super fire breath and the ability to speak to trees


    Good innit?


    hmmm... I'm wondering whether i would be good enough to moderate in a few years time. Don't you have to be a very active member to do so


    Im not aware of the site actually needing further moderation but if it keeps growing then maybe. If people posted moderately, surely we wouldnt be needed at all?

  11. Because when people take heroin, they get addicted very quickly and in the majority of cases cant afford the cost of said drug. They often result to petty crime and drug dealing themselves.


    In conclusion, any body that beats the living daylight of heroin dealers has my vote.

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