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Everything posted by Aardvark

  1. Here's a link which speculates that Afarat might have AIDS. http://www.nationalreview.com/frum/diary102904.asp#043872 Probaby just any ugly rumour.
  2. And yet the British empire was the most succesful empire the world has ever seen bringing wealth, power and progating a massive cultural legacy. Maybe Bush is working on the right lines after all.
  3. If this vitamin really was a magic bullet for cancer then countries not under the influence of large pharmaceutical companies would surely be promoting it. Castro for one would have no compuncture in producing and promoting it. Or has the global multi national drug company conspiracy reached into Cuba where the CIA have failed? Beware Pfizer is going to take over the world!
  4. It's a well observed phenomenon that creatures on isolated islands tend to evolve to a smaller size. Remains of Dwarf Mammoths have been found on the Californian Channel islands and on Wrangel island off the coast of Siberia. It's a matter of genetic adaptation, not malnutrition. Curiously the human inhabitants of the British channel islands tend to be quite short. Probably just a coincidence but interesting.
  5. I thought i was insane, and then i read Philip K Dick and suddenly it all makes sense.
  6. I agree with his sentiments but i wondr if he really means them. Maybe he really wouldnt care?
  7. Record turnout, all the pundits said that would favour the Democrats. Looks like the Republicans have a genuine bedrock of conservative support. Hillary might find herself being hammered for liberalism.
  8. You'd think so Douglas, but no. The power of emotional blackmail is enormous. Who wants to tell the grieving parent or terminally ill pensioner that they are wrong and that sometimes no one is to blame.
  9. I take it your not a supporter of the monster raving loony party?
  10. I also think he was talking about Hillary, just curious about Bills position.
  11. I've been trying to find the relevant bit in your constitution. Is it a constutitional amendment or just a law? It must be quite recent as Roosevelt served 3 terms. Found it, amendment XX11. No getting around that.
  12. Technically, now that Bill Clinton has been out of office for more than one term would he be legally allowed to stand for office again?
  13. We are a bit behind the USA in litigation stakes, the sums of money tend to be hundreds of thousands rather than tens of millions. But the real kicker is that any doctor or surgeon who has an accusation made is automatically suspended whilst the matter is investigated. This can take 4 years. By which time even if cleared the doctor has to undertake retraining, his career is blighted and self confidence badly knocked. Unfortunately the GMC also seems to operate from a presumption of guilt so any doctor, even if innocent and competent faces complete ruin.
  14. From private conversations with surgeons, i know that in the UK some patients are told their case is inoperable and are left to die where even 5 years ago surgery would have been attempted. Surgeons are simply not undertaking high risk surgery for fear of litigation. The result is that people die. The compensation culture is killing people.
  15. Hillary versus Arnie. Thats a show i'd pay to see.
  16. That almost seems appropriate.
  17. Calling a Briton a 'Euro' is a bit like calling an American a Mexican. And yes, i have to admit your election is pretty interesting.
  18. It will be very interesting seeing the results of the Iraqi elections. The vote could go for hardline religious parties and other Anti Western groups. At the moment no one really knows what the Iraqi public really thinks. I bet whoever is in the White House will have his fingers crossed.
  19. But we've known for a long time that other human varieties have have existed in the past. This find is very exciting but doesn't challenge current thinking.
  20. Does LSD have no effect on any animals?
  21. I trust your super sizing your portions then. McDonalds contribution to democracy.
  22. After all, it would illustrate a fundamental principle of human morality. If it looks different it must be evil.
  23. It probably would have been a bit lonely otherwise. Funny how the Bible never mentioned the Hobbit hunting. Now that could have been fun!
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