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Everything posted by redmetal

  1. Always thought geckos used suction to attach to walls. Turns out they don't, and they have created a material to replicate their feet. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVd6bOhDUKI
  2. Killer Whales vs Witty Otter - Youtube I will be starting my degree is ecosystem restoration soon and needed a break from lurking in the math forums. Most recent animal video I saw today, pretty cool footage of an otter escaping from killer whales by hopping on a boat. Think she lost her pup though . But anyway, seen a lot of the popular nature documentaries, but any interesting and recent videos you would like to share post in here, cheers!
  3. Hey, hal here. Nothing special, graduated is social sciences and have some statistics knowledge. Will be starting my master's in environmental science and have been lurking around trying to refresh my memory and learn new things. see ya around.
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