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Everything posted by roscojones

  1. With multidimensional explanations of reality today, things we know may need to be looked at again. I've always been bothered by the concept of EM waves oscillating in two dimensions. The expansion of the view of EM waves to include a 4D aspect has some interesting implications. A 2D EM sine wave may only be the portion of a 3D EM wave that intersects with our 3D reality, in only 2 of 3 dimensions. Picture a photon orbiting the axis that is the propagation direction, as it travels. This would form a 3D helix, that when viewed in a 2d frame would be seen as a sine wave. The radius of the orbit would be the sine wave amplitude. The time required for for each orbit would determine the sine wave frequency. This is just an intro to see people's comments. For me, this idea has a feeling of being a truism. If this is a possibility, how would it work? I do have some ideas I would like to explore.
  2. To begin with, I do attempt to incorporate the non-physical side of reality as part of my viewpoints on this subject. Many of these are only theorized on my part and are not to be considered as statements of fact. The 4D/3D relationship is very similar to the 3D/2D relationship in Flatland. When the 3D sphere visits the 2D Flatland, the only portion visible is the 2D circle of intersection. The concept of "above" and "below" their plane of existence is completely foreign to them. Similarly, we in the 3D world view concepts of Heaven/Hell (the spiritual/non-physical) as existing above and below our reality, the 4D realm. I propose that our physical bodies are the portion of our 4D non-physical side that intersects with the 3D physical universe. We are multidimensional, just as the universe is, with lower dimensions embedded in the higher ones. First we need to look at how we interact with our 3D reality. In our 3D world, consciously we are able to view things separated by physical distances. We can look at a beautiful landscape and focus on the parts that are of interest to us. We are usually capable of physically moving to locations, if we desire to do so. Also, all physical locations exist at the same time. NYC and LA both exist at the same time, even though we cannot see or be in both simultaneously. We can change locations, with the changes in location taking place over time, experienced in a linear form. Thus, for us reality is viewed to only exist in the fleeting moments of our experience. The past is done and gone/nonexistent, now a reality in our memories only. The future lies in a complex 4D probability wave (PW) function, that changes as the probability wave collapses universally with each of those fleeting moments of time. Individually, we each have the power to collapse our personal PW locally. Our actions select what probables become reality and those whose probability becomes zero. To some extent we rationalize our actions, while emotions/desires influence this reasoning process. We take actions to increase the probability of thing we desire and reduce that of those things we do not. When we have a goal with stronger emotional attachment, our actions will reflect this. Usually, the stronger the emotions, the higher the probability becomes. Emotions can bend worldlines, locally or globally. I feel that emotions may need to be included as quantum effect forces in the unified field theory. In the 4D, the view of the landscape would be expanded temporally. The view would include the ability to see events, such as a baseball game, in their entirety all at once. This also includes all of the possible variations. Different pitchers and pitches, balls,strikes,hits,catches,batting lineups and so on. In Men in Black III, on of the characters talks of how he views reality in this manner. Time is no longer linear. Time becomes simultaneous in nature. Just as all possible physical locations exist simultaneously in the 3D universe, all possible temporal locations exist simultaneously in the 4D universe. Think a moment on this. All possible pasts, presents, and futures existing at the same time, simultaneously. That sure would change the understanding of how reincarnation works, eh? The reincarnation concept would have different lives, living in different times simultaneously. These different 3D lives are part of a 4D personality. Just as all the versions of ourselves as we grew up, form what we are today, the different lives are the "childhood" of the 4D personality they form. Sorry I got a bit sidetracked on my comment. If you wish to pursue further dialog along these lines let me know.
  3. Rosco Jones here. (Not my real name) My interests are in the multidimensional aspects of reality, cosmology, theoretical physics and the paranormal. Many of my viewpoints may be contrary to those of the accepted scientific community. What if? is my favorite question.
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