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Awesome wife

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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Quantum Mechanics

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. I'm not an idiot. According to all the tests I'm actually suppose to be a genius. I've had IQ tests, MRI's and CAT scans, Blood taken and worked on a number of studies about intelligence. Some of these, I've led myself. Others were tests done when I was a kid, without knowing or understanding what they were or why. My first IQ I scored 120-150. My last test I was 160 (about 8 years ago). Yet, I barely passed high school. I only managed to get the last credits I needed by sneaking into my boyfriends computer class. I did a 3 year course, in 3 months. Why? Modules were there, everything I needed for the class was available, and hell why not? Not like I'm suppose to be there anyways. Teacher finally noticed me after 2 weeks, asked if I was doing the work - took me to the principal's, and started giving me credits. So, if I can do that, why was I failing most of my classes? One, mathematically - I had a solid reason. I knew the ratio's of what I needed on my final exam to pass with a decent mark. So if I wanted a B+ on my final report card, I'd need roughly a 50% mark for school, and roughly 60% on the final. If I really hated a class, I'd often piss off the teacher by showing up every day for class, but barely do any work. Final exam, 85% minimum. I guess it was also easier than dealing with people, if people think I'm stupid - then I'm that less noticeable. Not to mention, school is extremely boring! Teachers are rarely ever excited about what they're teaching. Those that are, often receive blank stares from the majority of students. Also, I didn't have an appreciation for learning. School was boring, therefore learning is boring. I had no passions, no dreams of what I wanted to be. School was just something to get out of as fast as I could. So what the hell am I doing now? I'm doing what I can to go forward. It started with watching a movie called "Mindwalk". It's about a poet, politician and a physicist talking about modern sciences, comparing it to the old ways of thinking - idea's where it could be going. This led me to 'What the Bleep Do We Know?' which made me ask questions, look up their data, debunk it for myself, and ask new questions. I started to do research on different subjects. Learning about past discoveries, how things work, and simplifying complicated idea's. About 2 months ago, I started teaching myself algebra. In a month, I'm at college level now. Calculus is next, and after that I'm not sure. See, I have the ability to teach myself just about anything I want. I have the intelligence to understand and decipher information given to me, and convert them into 'every day' life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So, I have basically the entire world as my resource. I have nothing but potential. I literally can do anything I want. So what do I want? Well, what do you want? Or here's a question: What field of infinite knowledge do you find interesting, but seems to be overshadowed by other things? What do you find absolutely amazing, but over saturated with study? Think about it. What drives you to do what you do?
  2. Yeah, it is a mild form of brainwashing. It's another question I'm thinking about lightly, I'm always fascinated by how our brains work.
  3. I wish I was better at explaining my thought processes. I love complicated subjects and transforming them into simple concepts that everyone can understand. It has a lot of potential, I'm still figuring out the mechanics behind WHY it works. Stupid middle ground getting lost in translation If anything, I managed to turn housework into Science. I think that's pretty impressive at least lol.
  4. So, this is a VERY simple and well known experiment. So much so, that I dare call it the stupidest experiment you can do. I also apologize for sounding like an idiot myself. Takes one to know one I suppose. At least I'm smart enough to admit that I'm an idiot. The goal is very simple: Make yourself do ANYTHING, and enjoy it - even if you hate it. What's the theory behind it? Our brain does just about everything through the subconscious. Breathing, blinking, swallowing - we rarely think or notice these subtle actions are bodies do. What we fail to realize that in fact, most of what we do is automatic. Take typing for example. I think I'm actually controlling my fingers to say what I want, but in reality - that's just not the case. I just have to think of what to say, and my fingers do the rest. There was an experiment done at a high school. A teacher through a frisbee, and students had to come up with a plan to catch it, and recite the strategy. 'Move quickly' 'go zig-zag' and so on. What they found was, despite all the students thinking they were doing something unique, they all moved and stayed focused on the object, their body kept moving to keep the frisbee in a straight line. Their brain was compensating for the movements without the students knowledge. Repetitive actions also become ingrained and automatic. Take knitting for example. Those who have proficiency in knitting can have conversations, watch TV or have other distractions. The act of knitting itself becomes secondary. So, if that's true for things you like - what about things you absolutely hate doing, but you still gotta do them? If you're brain takes over for things you find pleasure in, can you distract your conscious thought so that your subconscious can take over? Here's the original question I asked when I thought about this. IF what they’re saying is true, and our brain does most things, like knitting, walking, and even brushing your hair – then can we trick our actually conscious of doing the work? I HATE DISHES! I mean, passionately. Nothing that is normal motivation for most people, really works on me. Disclipline, rewards, even routines – I hate doing chores with a passion. However; I also know how to do dishes really well. Once I’m doing them, I just get bored because it’s automatic. If it’s automatic, that means my actual perception is free. I hate doing dishes because, well, I’m lazy. I’m also bored. Extremely bored, and I need something to focus on. For some people, it’s TV. That doesn’t work, I get distracted. I need something that is invisible. I should also make note: This is not new – I’m not pretending to be on something big, but I am curious to see how it works for me. Can it work for me, and if so, how? Most people daydream when doing household tasks, it’s why some people really enjoy them. Unfortunately, this also doesn’t work for me. Thinking too much on my own, tends to leave me loathing the chores. So, what can I do instead? The answer was way simpler than I thought it would be. The answer was Music. Here's what you do. Take an MP3 player, and headphones. Speakers won't work, headphones will allow your brain to focus more on the music, and not outside influences. Focus on the music, completely! Observe the different notes, lyrics, beats and so on. Take note of how the melody changes, and become aware of when a new song comes into play. While you're focusing on that, do the chores. When finished here's what you do: Write about the music. What are some things that you were able to notice, that otherwise would be ignored? Write about the chore: What changed? How did you view it? What did you notice or not notice? This is extremely simple - but the simplest solutions are often the most profound. http://dragonknowledge.wordpress.com/2012/07/03/experiment-1-trick-your-head/ < ---- Original Experiment I did a few weeks ago and the results are void. It still worked! Just invalid lol
  5. Found this site on StumbleUpon. I am a housewife, my husband is a geek squad Double Agent at our local best buy. I have no post education, but I'm currently teaching myself applied and pure mathematics. I am profoundly curious with physics, though not sure where to structure myself. My main curiosities are: Paleontology Animal Behavior Conscious Thought (why do we think?) DNA molecular studies Brain Activity Mathematical theories <-- Einstein's Theory of Relativity <--- How did he calculate? I love learning, but find school extremely boring. I often ace tests with high scores, even though my typical marks are either failing or barely passing. I'm not sure what I'm wanting to learn, or why - but as long as I keep asking questions, I'll keep studying.
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