I believe water is water.Even when theirs no minerals it's still water.I don't think it would pull minerals that's stored in the body.To me it's exactly the same water in our body.
For Minerals,their in just about any food you eat.Even if it's not on the nutritional fact they contain traces of some kind of mineral.
I can drink 480ml of almond milk,90% calcium,8% Manganese,8% magnesium,4% Copper,10% Zinc,8% iron,& 4% potassium DV just in minerals.
I can eat 60g of black rice,%4 potassium,%4 selenium,%6 iron,%8 zinc,%20 phosphorus,%20 magnesium,%35 molybdenum,& %120 DV manganese just in minerals.
I can keep going,but I think it's enough for a example of minerals in food.I found this document ran through a scanner.Towards the end it says:
"NASA has reported no ill effects from consumption of approximately .05mg/L(50 ppB) TDS water on board spacecraft.It appears that the possibility that this could have been a problem was never seriously considered by NASA."Then right after it says a field test was done in boulder,CO with about 50 families.They had no ill effects from drinking .05ppM(50ppB) TDS water.
Consumption of low TDS water
Even military & navy drink distilled.I think if its really that bad,they wouldn't be drinking it still today.