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warped space

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Everything posted by warped space

  1. This seems almost as questionable as the grandfather paradox but for one acording to Stephen hawkings (or this is how I perceeved what he stated in his book a brief history of time) if you move faster than the speed of light which we think is the only way to move backwards in time you could see something before the creation of the universe and such you would exist outside the universe and as such this would basically mean you dont exist or you could do anything no one really knows
  2. i don't know a lot about hawking radiation but i did a little research and at the bottom of the article that i read (http://casa.colorado.edu/~ajsh/hawk.html) it said that at the last seconds of a black hole it would create something that the article called a hadronic fire ball which would emit large amounts of gama-rays and a large assortment of other particles as that disintegrated well i no that we have never really witnessed such an event but do the laws of physics eliminate the possibility that it could also emit large amounts of matter and anti matter and is it possible to just barely push something to black hole gravity and make it small enough to where it would evaporate within seconds not killing everything on earth and but making one of these "hadronic fireballs" and harnessing its energy by particles i was referring to wavelengths of light not massive particles
  3. So could this be the difference between matter and anti matter And another question however theoretical it is if you have an anti gravity and a gravity particle (so to speak) would it create any form of one directional momentum or energy
  4. Ok thank you for the help
  5. Not to argue on weather or not dark matter exists but is there a possibility that other galexys and etc basically im saying this newtonian gravity of the other galexys and stars and also not to mention other planets orbiting stars
  6. Do you have a link where I could stay up to date with there research
  7. ok so i have been doing a little bit of research about it and it is maid of positrons or opposite charged electrons and opposite charged protons but when it comes in contact with (our perspective) normal matter it annihilates why is this really and if it is a anti particle does it have any sort of anti gravity or is there even a way to have anti gravity exist
  8. That was exactly what I was intending to find out was the antiparticle part of tht
  9. ok so if electrons do not any 3 dimensional shape then is there a way to turn energy into mass as in like matter itself or could it be possible to make sertain particles (and i use that term lightly) that effect certain parts of physics but not others like effecting gravity but not electomagnetics or effecting one part of string theory but not another
  10. ok so i have somewhat had an idea of making a laser that can melt metals or potentally be used as weapons of war
  11. ok so this is going to seem quite far from the topic but it still might be the answer to this problem of defying the momentum laws but say u move the center of gravity to in front of the object which yes would have to be caused by connecting two points of the univers together (wormhole) and having the gravity of the object acting upon itself from the poing in front of it or in the direction you want to move nevermind exactly what the Alcubierre metric is
  12. interesting i guess over long distances or small but what im getting at is moving vehicles or objects by this method something like gravitonics i believe the idea was sparked by foundations edge by isac asimov i think tht how it is spelled and i just thought is that even possible and i came up with this idea of moving the grid of space mataphorically to create a sense of momentum where technically would move without an equal and oposit reaction which defys newtons law of motion but that seems very implausable and impossible for the time being
  13. ok so now the hardest part is that even possible
  14. ok so when we move through time and space we have momentum ok so if u move time/space through an object can you create momentum which might create momentum defying certain laws of physics
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