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seriously disabled

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Everything posted by seriously disabled

  1. How do you explain this mysterious phenomenon? An Indian yogi says that he survived 70 years without eating. http://bodyodd.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2010/05/10/4380027-70-years-without-eating-starving-yogi-says-its-true http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/india/7645857/Man-claims-to-have-had-no-food-or-drink-for-70-years.html This phenomenon cannot be natural or can it?
  2. Some parts of the world are heavily forested while many others are just barren deserts. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_deserts_by_area Finland is the most forested country in Europe with an amazing 73% forest cover, nexted by Sweden. Germany and Poland have more than 55% forest cover. In the United States, Oregon and Washington state are heavily forested, so is Idaho state. Does anyone know how much of the entire land area of the Earth is covered by forested and how much it was in the past?
  3. In Christianity there is such a thing as the infinite suffering of the souls of the unsaved or those who are forever seperated from the love of God. Many Christians believe that those who are not saved will be made to suffer in Hell for all of eternity. What I wanted to ask is: what does PHYSICS have to say about infinite suffering or infinite pain?
  4. But why does nature find it necessary to minimize potential energy? I mean what law of classical mechanics explains this? I found this link but it is not completely helpful: http://www.physicscentral.com/experiment/askaphysicist/physics-answer.cfm?uid=20080512095443
  5. Why are planets all oblate spheroids instead of say cubes? Is it because a sphere is less ordered than a cube? But why is a sphere less ordered than a cube?
  6. God is the personification of Good but Satan is the personification of Evil. But if there really is so much evil in this world then maybe Satan (aka Evil) is actually stronger than God (aka Good) Satan is also a deity in some sense but he enjoys doing bad things to people instead of good things. Or maybe God does not exist at all but only Satan exists. Or maybe Satan has actually killed God or has simply overcome God's powers over time. In other words, Satan became stronger than God over time through an unknown natural process. We don't know the answer but these are all possibilities that need to be explored and in the future they may become a new science.
  7. Please help me understand the Heisenberg uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics. The principle says that you can't accurately measure both the position and velocity of a particle and the more you know one of them the less you can know the other. But this doesn't make sense to me. Isn't position always relative to the eyes of the observer anyway? Or what does quantum mechanics really mean by position? I have to admit that quantum mechanics is really hard because I'm not very mathematically capable.
  8. I think that the opposite of love is rejection. But you don't necessarily hate the person you reject.
  9. The happening of bad things to innocent people in the world is the greatest contradiction in Christianity. If God is so good and loving as Christians believe, then why does he send people to Hell to suffer there for all eternity? Also why does God give people free will just to punish them after that? Maybe God is actually a cruel tyrant and not really so good as Christians make him out to be.
  10. There is a high probability that neither Satan nor God really exist except in the imagination of errant men. Satan makes more sense to me however because of all the bad things happening to good people in this world.
  11. What is the true cause of inertia, the tendency of some objects to resist any change to their state of motion or rest? What are the current theories on this?
  12. Because it may be infinite in extent and it is always in motion, motion which is never exhausted.
  13. Actually I think our universe is the ultimate perpetual motion machine.
  14. If there really is a superhuman being out there with a strength levels on par with say Galactus or Eternity in the Marvel comics universe, then what is this being really made of? Is he/it even made from normal atoms of matter? What about dark matter? In case you don't know who Galactus and Eternity are then please see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galactus http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternity_(comics)
  15. How hot are stellar cores really? The Sun's has a core temperature of about 15 million Kelvin but what if a star is 500 or even 1000 times more massive than the sun? What would its core temperature be then? How do you calculate this? Although it's very obvious to me that no electronic component and nothing solid can survive in these temperatures but I would still like to know.
  16. In the last few days, I discovered that there is something seriously wrong with my body. Everytime I wake up in the morning, I vomit a lot and every time after strenous physical exercise I have vomiting sensations. Is vomiting and emetophobia in the brain or is there a nonphysical explanation for this?
  17. The problem is that I don't remember exactly where I have seen it. P.S I found those symbols here, here and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheaf_(mathematics).
  18. Does anyone know what the letters [math]\mathcal{D}(\mathcal{O})[/math] in spinor calculus means?
  19. There is no such thing as light in my opinion, there are only different color models with different hues and different shapes that we can distinguish between.
  20. Why is the temperature hotter the farther down you go in the earth? Is it because of the gravitational pressure?
  21. According to summitsofcanada, on May 26 1991 Mount Logan recorded a temperature of -77.5 °C, making it the coldest recorded temperature outside Antarctica. But what would the temperature be at the peak if Mount Everest (which is 2889 meters higher than Mount Logan) was located where Mount Logan is?
  22. I know that Dicyanoacetylene (carbon subnitride) combusts at a flame temperature of 4990°C. This is hot enough to melt almost all metals, except maybe some superalloys. But what about thermite? At what temperature does thermite burn and how is it actually calculated?
  23. I know that Jupiter doesn't have a solid surface only a layer of hot and dense metallic hydrogen surrouding it's core but measuring from there what is the height of Jupiter's atmosphere? Is it less than 800 km?
  24. But why are there different colors at all? Why is not everything the same color? I guess that different colors exist in order for us to be able to differentiate between objects because color is the only way for us to differentiate between far-away objects without being able to touch them or hear the sound they make.
  25. John Cuthber, The problem with this theory is that in the picture I posted of the stars, you can see that the stars radiate in directions that are not directed toward our eyes but we can still see the color spectrum. Why is that?
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