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Posts posted by rwjefferson

  1. before you unleash the hounds of dogma

    Name one observation of gravity or van der vvaal's or casimere or weak or any other force that is not consistent with inertial pressure differential.


    too late

    Speculations abound. Some comments on your ill-defined theory:

    I agree. You've already lost the argument.

    Instead of kind and well reasoned response, the best you have on offer is a pitiful insult.


    Dogma abounds. There you go again; confusing the hypothetical definitions of Classical Mythology with self evident observation.


    ~ mass carries the properties of inertia and gravity

    ~ weakly interactive means they only seem dark to the unenlightened

    ~ photons are carried on the aether wind.


    I must have missed the revolution in Physics ...


    You are not alone. Meet me here.

    Has aether been disproved?





  2. the answer to life, the universe and everything


    Gravity is the aether wind. To measure the drag and direction of the aether wind, stand on a scale and look up.



    Gravity is a state of force. Force is inertial pressure differential. Space consists of weakly interactive massive quantum particles. Weakly interactive means they are not easy to measure. Massive means they are subject to gravity.


    before you unleash the hounds of dogma

    Name one observation of gravity or van der vvaal's or casimere or weak or any other force that is not consistent with inertial pressure differential.


    in the spirit of peace


  3. ... What jumped out at me is that although the common analogy of a bowling ball making a dent in a trampoline is a convienient way of grasping the concept of General Relativity, the flaw lyes in the fact that that analogy deals with a 3D ball (the sun) and a 2D surface (spacetime?)...


    It is not so much that General Relativity is wrong; it is that 'equivalence' has become dogma.


    It is no more the curve of space that causes planets to accelerate toward a star, than it is the curve of the trampoline that causes balls to accelerate toward a heavier ball. Acceleration is by gravity; not by the equivalent graph. Gravity curves spacetime as low pressure curves atmosphere. Yet it is not the curve that forces the vortex.


    When Einstein differentiated spacetime acceleration to constant time, information was lost . Einstein demonstrated the wave (curve) of time but lost sight of the particles of space.


    Curve is not a force; curve is a relative reaction to force.


    An astronaut that experiences force as acceleration of one G experiences change of space by time by thirty two feet per second per second; even while sitting on earth.


    Mass accelerates spacetime by gravity, just as mass accelerates mass by inertia. Curve is not acceleration; curve is relative reaction to acceleration.





    dogma is entrenched belief that resists just consideration of simple truth

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