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Everything posted by JHAQ

  1. JHAQ

    High Noon

    Why is 1159 am immediately followed by 1200 pm & 1159 pm followed by 1200am ? Should not 1200 noon be 12 am ( & 1201 be pm as it is ) & 1200 midnight be 1200am ? To add European & UK timetables use the 24 hour clock which seems to me to make more sense than US timetables where pm's are listed in heavy print & on a 12 hour clock cycle .
  2. Races are the first step in speciation which in H.sapiens has not gone far enough to prevent cross breeding ( ALL human races are interfertile ) .It is an unfortunate evolutionary given for one race to fear competition from another who is not quite like "us" . Take H sap vs H. neander . The same applies to memes as Sunni vs Shiite vs Christian etc . Maybe it is our challenge to rise above these biological imperatives . Sure genocide may do a job now ( Huti vs Tutu ) but in a few 1000 more generations------ new differences will arise ?
  3. JHAQ

    LCD Monitors

    I was advised by my computer repair technician NOT to use an LCD monitor but only a CRT one on my computer . He gave several reasons for this ( picture distortion /contortion /shrinkage under certain circumstances ) , not the least being that a CRT type lasts twice as long . Does any reader have any input on this ? My CRT 20 in monitor just failed after about 6 years ( an IBM type , not Mac system ) .
  4. The crucifiction scenes in the movie "The Passion of the Christ " really beat anything else I have ever seen .
  5. I have familiarity with both the Canadian & British national health systems and know the populace neither country would want to eliminate them . Both are excellent for emergency care but very deficient in elective care & tend to 'ration ' it by interminable delays . My Canadian brother had a heart attack on the W coast but on return to Toronto had to wait 3 months for a cardiologist aptmt & was w/o any aggressive follow up ( angiographies , by pass recommendations ) such as would be done here in USA . He dropped dead at Torontos Unin Station of anothee attack while commuting home . An UK aunt had to pay for private hip surgery even when non ambulatory & delays in getting it under national health . I also understand no dialyisis is done under UK national health when patient is over 55 years old .
  6. Was it true that Bush43's mantra "Stay the course " were the last words said by the captain if the Titanic before he retired that night the iceberg was hit ?
  7. I think most of the tattoos were put on long before being imprisoned . I was not taliking about minor tattoos ( like DNR across my chest ) but limb to torso to limb tattoos .
  8. JHAQ

    Nuclear Waste

    Opponents are always talking about nuclear waste disposal problems & the Nevada national disposal site is still not open . The French generate 80% of their electric power needs by nuclear energy . Does anybody know what they do with their waste ?
  9. Is self adornement by heavy tattoos an indicator of some sort of mental pathology ? In all those TV programs on Supermax prisons , almost all the inmates are covered with tattoos . Could there be a connection betweeen that & criminality ?
  10. This is not at all what I have understood yet it appears to be an authoritative source ----http://americanthinker.com/articles.php?article_id=5977
  11. I tried to find out on line a succinct explanation what mediates foetal stem cell ( presumably in a blastocyst ) differentiation into specific organs ( presumably following gastrulation ) during development but just got totally confused . Can some kind person tell me ?
  12. Oprah had a program on the aftermath of bariatric surgery for several women . The main point ( assumption ? ) raised was that being overweight is due to an ( eating ) addiction & if that addiction is frustrated by the surgery , then other addictions such as alcoholism , drugs , hyper sexuality etc may take over . Does any reader have any info on that --- is it a general phenomenom ? I am overweight ( 300 lbs ) but due to being on diabetic medications ( metformin & insulin ) & have been considering such surgery.
  13. I know all the current thinking & evidence on the origin of the universe is the Big Bang theory but why , with such an immense amount of matter & energy was not the energy for expansion of any mass within it infinite & why was it not a vast black hole in its early stages ? Infinite means infinite as per Einsteins equtions -- or does it ?
  14. I have no objection to such rights or civil unions only calling it " marriage" ; a term which should be reserved for heterosexual union because of its procreative potential ..
  15. I agree with jesubungle . Assassination would have been far preferable IF anything had to be done What appalls me is the total lack of historical perspective & awareness of history & the region by Bush ( who did not even know the distinction between Sunni & Shia Muslims ) . Countries like that NEED a strongman like Saddam to control them internally just as Tito did in Jugoslavia ( & look what happened there when he died ) . Saddams mistake was trying to venture outside the country . To me it is unwinable ; ossibly only compromisable in some way .
  16. I agree with jesubungle . Assassination would have been far preferable IF anything had to be done What appalls me is the total lack of historical perspective & awareness of history & the region by Bush ( who did not even know the distinction between Sunni & Shia Muslims ) . Countries like that NEED a strongman like Saddam to control them internally just as Tito did in Jugoslavia ( & look what happened there when he died ) . Saddams mistake was trying to venture outside the country . To me it is unwinable ; ossibly only compromisable in some way .
  17. Apart from space-time relatavistic effects , it also curves when passing through a prism -- or does it ?
  18. JHAQ

    Wind Power

    Can somebody tell me how a wind powered generator integrates with a regular power network ( or a household if used for domestic supplement )---- and with each other if many are used together .Would not both the power output and frquency vary widely with wind speed etc ?
  19. An overarching theory to correlate in a coherent manner the natural selection (NS) of memes equivalent to to that which happens with genes . I feel there are many parallels in that both create & are in response to CHANGE .
  20. The expected arrival of the 300 millionth American (?) this month -- as though it is a celebratory event ignoring the world resource depletion & environmental 'foot print ' it & further growth will make .
  21. Quoting Bascule -- Coulter's books aren't worth buying to refute. Next time you're thinking about buying an Ann Coulter book solely for the purposes of refuting it, put it back and pick up a Noam Chomsky book instead __________________ Noam Chomsky is to the left what Coulter is to the right
  22. Mitosis is regular cell division which preserves the double helix as is . Meiosis which also involves recombination , cross overs & some genetic re shuffling is in reproductive germ cells only spliiting the double helix to produce a haploid entity which the fertilises another haploid entity to produce a zygote . A non - sexual prokaryote just divides as is with genetically identical offspring . Its biggest biological drawback is invariance in offspring . Sex allows for far greater variability in offspring for the selctive action of the environment to work on . Its price is eventual death of the originating parent .
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