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Everything posted by ayeshaaakter

  1. Central air conditioner is morethan just the largest appliance in a home—it's part of a carefully designedsystem that also incorporates a thermostat and an array of ducts that deliverand circulate cooled air throughout the structure. In most cases, a centralair-conditioning system is a more energy-efficient choice for regularly coolinga home than using room air conditioners in three or four different rooms. However, there's no gettingaround the fact that a central air conditioner can be fairly expensive topurchase—and that it must be installed by a qualified heating and cooling contractor.If your home doesn't have central air-conditioning—but does have a network ofducts for a forced-air furnace—you likely can use the same ducts for cooling,as long as they're the proper size and free of leaks and obstructions. On theother hand, if your home is heated by a boiler or electric baseboard units,you'll need to add a duct system, which can be both difficult andexpensive—especially in a multi-level home, where you might have to sacrificecloset space or build "chases" along walls or in corners to hold the ducts. For more information, click here, air conditioning
  2. This system gets its name fromthe way it uses the difference between the outdoor air temperature and theindoor air temperature to heat or cool a home. During the summer, the air sourceheat pump functions as an air conditioner; during the winter, it runs inreverse to provide heat. Properly installed and connected to a well-designed (andtight) duct system, an air source heat pump can deliver up to three units ofheating (or cooling) energy for every unit of electric energy it consumes exceptin very cold weather, when a backup resistance heating system must supplementthe heat pump's output. Because it heats and cools, anair source heat pump is a good choice for replacing an existing heating andcooling system or when you need a new furnace and want to add centralair-conditioning. Look for a heat pump with a high HSPF and SEER rating. Thebest units have a two-stage compressor that runs in a low-power, energy-savingmode most of the time, along with a variable speed blower motor that minimizesnoise and energy consumption.
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