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Posts posted by Edward

  1. I think that there is a possiblity of using ION engines. Right now they are extremely weak and slow but they use virtually no fuel just massive amounts of electricity. I beleive that in the future they will become alot more powerful and the thing with constact accelereation would allow for a small amount of artificial gravity.

  2. First I want to adress the point about all the species in the galexie being descended from one race. I wached the episoded about three weeks ago so I remember it well. The message that was left behind 4 million years ago said that they planted genetic material in the primorial soup of 19 worlds and that they created the races in ther own image not a big deal but I thought it needed to be corrected.


    I think a series or a few movies ~2-3 about species 8472 is needed in voyager they set the stage for a remarcable story.


    Enterprize sucks. I did enjoy it a little. but there isint much science that was discussed. From the first episode of season three I knew the story would last most of the season.

  3. going to mars is a bad idea. In another thread people talk about going to one of jupiters moons and colonising that. I think that if the iss gets finished we could use that as a space craft to go to another planet just rig up a few soils and ion proplution sustems have supplies for abouit a decade and more than ten people (to maintain mental stability) LOL My Idea is prettery crasy but better than using somthing the size of a shuttle with two people. What do u think.



    I envision a future possibly centuries away. where explorers travel on small moons or asteeroids that have a full ecosystem

  4. on the topic of space elevatros

    I think it is possible to build one. How it would work is you would launck a space craft up thct is carrying a shitload of 1 inch thick Carbon nano tube cable (A non existent material) ino space It would then enter a 62,000 mile geo stationary orbit above the Equator (Geostationary orbit is where the satlite stays above the same place on earth instead of circling around the earth.) It would then launch a missle towards earth which would carry the cable down to earth. the cable would then be attached to an ancor on the ocean floor then more length of cable would be added to make it ~2 or 3 feet thick. then you install a machine that caqn climb the cable and volia. The cable stays up becaus as the earth spins it pushes it out. the estimatesd cost is about 10 milion dollars

  5. I am not sure I understand. If I was traking A one light year trip (yes I understand that a llightyear is distance) From point A to point B and the Date when I depart is Jan 1, 2005 and I go at 99% the speed of light from start to finish when I arrive the date will be ~Jan 1, 2006 but my watsh will say ~Jan 1, 2005. Is this right?


    P.S. I don't understand why I cant go faster than light, if I accelerate towards the speed of light what stops me from going faster than that?

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